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Space, defense and naval

Reconquering outer space and facing security challenges

The defense industry is urged to answer security challenges, while brand new entrants are transforming space into a thriving industry. Capgemini Engineering is a global player leveraging industry excellence to enable legacy and disruptive stakeholders to tackle their R&D, production, and business challenges.


market size for cybersecurity in 2024

UAV market size in 2024 

nanos and microsatellite market CAGR 2018-2024 

Featured case studies

Iridium: the next-generation satellite handset of the future

The new satellite constellation, a $3 billion project, is the largest technology upgrade ever to take place in space: a total replacement of the legacy satellite network.

    Portable OnBoard 3D

    The Portable On Board Printer 3D's goal is the transfer of Additive Manufacturing Technology to 3D-print for spacecraft applications.

      Sampson radar

       We developed an integrated set of tracking algorithms for a multi-function radar.


        We created a complete interactive replica of a real aeronautic factory which can be monitored and controlled in a virtual reality environment.

          CEDA earth observation

          Capgemini Engineering (Tessella) developed a new visualization service for CEDA (Center for Environmental Data Archival), to bring Earth observation data to life.

            Sun Cloud

            We designed and developed a solar-powered, multi-purpose unmanned aerial vehicle, the Sun Cloud.

              The challenge

              With security concerns and investments occupying center-stage across the world, the defense industry is under strong pressure to modernize its capabilities. Meanwhile, the space industry is undergoing an industrial reorganization, while space exploration, debris recycling and tourism open up new perspectives. Together with new client needs – like protection from cyber attacks – and the emergence of non-traditional competitors, these developments are putting intense pressure on existing players in the global defense and space value chain.

              How we can help

              Capgemini Engineering accelerates time-to-market by combining agile methodologies and end-to-end services from disruptive product development to smart manufacturing and offset/geo returns management:

              • Satellites and launchers’ engineering
              • Systems engineering and MBSE
              • Mechanical engineering and physics
              • Hardware and software
              • Manufacturing 4.0
              • Quality (simulation, test-benches, systems certification)
              • Offset capabilities

              Capgemini Engineering boosts your portfolio of innovative digital services, integrating deep understanding of aerospace and cross-industry experience in industrial analytics and IoT applied to heterogeneous vectors and platforms:

              • Intelligent and connected systems: Avionics, ground systems and operation; smart unmanned system; real-time intelligence connectivity
              • Global communications
              • Innovation and design (including Design to X)
              • Analytics
              • Digital transformation
              • IoT solutions

              Capgemini Engineering creates end-to-end services as an integrator of smart and innovative solutions leveraging big data technologies and industrial analytics for intelligence applications (from cyber‑security to homeland security):

              • High integrity software
              • DevSecOps
              • Security compliance
              • Security by design
              • Security testing