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ADMnext for sustainability

Transitioning enterprise IT to a greener era  

Embrace technology transformation for lasting financial and environmental benefits through your application development and maintenance (ADM) services. 

The global economy is undergoing a systemic change towards a more sustainable future – the eco-digital era™. Mainstream digital tech and new innovations will fuel this growth, and while enterprise IT is a contributor to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and e-waste, it has even more potential to assist businesses in transitioning towards sustainable operations. 

To meet the challenges of this new era, legacy technology and methods of working are being replaced with sustainable digital technologies that enable businesses to integrate a more efficient infrastructure, monitor upstream and downstream activities, and visualize the connections between operations and emissions. 

Capgemini’s Sustainable Technology framework is a comprehensive, modular set of services that cover all stages and domains of the technology lifecycle, including ADM services. We help you embrace technology transformation for lasting financial and environmental benefits, backed by our strong sustainability commitments.

A new chapter for enterprise IT and sustainability  

Capgemini’s market-leading ADM services offer, ADMnext, ensures that as we develop and maintain your IT estate, we harness the best of Capgemini’s services to make it sustainable.    

We embed sustainability into our ADM service delivery by baselining and continuously monitoring the carbon footprint while optimizing resources, delivery locations, facilities, and the supplier ecosystem in order to meet your Scope 3 emissions objectives. This creates an impact on both the planet and your organization’s bottom line. 

We also empower you to reach your sustainability targets by:  

  • Optimizing the application landscape  
  • Using green software engineering principles  
  • Enabling sustainable IT procurement across your ecosystem 
  • Reporting on sustainability application maintenance. 

Our services have already produced tangible results, including:   

  • A carbon savings of 755 tons of CO2e per year for an energy company  
  • Reduced paper usage by 2.5m pages per annum for an international bank  
  • Creation of a more responsible sourcing framework for an international bank.  

Download our point of view to learn more about how you can achieve your sustainability goals with your ADM services while delivering tangible business value.   

Unsere Expert*innen

Lukas Birn

Vice President | Sustainability Lead bei Capgemini in Deutschland
Lukas Birn unterstützt mit seiner langjährigen Industrieerfahrung insbesondere Produktionsunternehmen bei ihrer Transformation zur Erreichung des 1,5°C Ziels. Als Sustainability Lead Germany koordiniert er alle Nachhaltigkeitsaktivitäten auf dem deutschen Markt und verantwortet das Climate Action Execution Portfolio Capgemini.

Julia Müller

Vice President‎ ‎| Head of Sustainable Futures, Capgemini Invent Germany
Julia Müller ist Vice President und Head of Sustainable Futures bei Capgemini Invent Deutschland. Sie setzt ihren Fokus in der Beratung auf ESG-Strategie, Kreislaufwirtschaft und die Entwicklung innovativer Geschäftsmodelle für eine nachhaltige Zukunft. Zuvor hat sie bei BSH Hausgeräte die Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie entwickelt und das Circular Economy Programm umgesetzt.