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Ready to shape the future of fintech?

Polish Version

Working in the financial sector are tasks that improve the lives of billions of people on a daily basis. At Financial Services, we supervise over a million transactions a day, cooperating with 8 of the 10 largest banks in the world, but not only them. Welcome to Financial Services, Capgemini Polska – Get The Future You Want!

Discover FinTech job opportunities

Are you tech-savvy? Do you enjoy working in the FinTech industry? If you wish to combine your IT skills and knowledge about the banking, insurance or healthcare, we have great opportunities for you!

Senior Java Developer
#Hybrid #Azure #JAVA

Azure Data Engineering Expert
#Hybrid #Azure #Python

MS Dynamics 365 Architect/Team Leader
#Hybrid #MSDynamics #PowerApps

Senior Azure Data Platform Engineer
#Hybrid #Jenkins #Azure

Senior Data Engineer Quantexa
#Hybrid #AWS #Azure

Senior Guidewire Business Analyst
#Hybrid #Guidewire #Scrum

Full-Stack Developer

#Hybrid #JAVA #Angular #NodeJS #Germany

Informatica MDM Expert
#Hybrid #MDM #Data

Senior .NET Developer
#Hybrid #Azure #.NET #Germany

Informatica Administrator Expert
#Hybrid #Azure #Python

Senior Azure Data Engineer
#Hybrid #Azure #Python

Senior Databricks Data Engineer

#Hybrid #Databricks #GenAI

Discover the stories of women who have found their place in IT!

At Capgemini, technology, development, and collaboration are everyday occurrences. Women in IT demonstrate how they combine innovation with passion. Our communities, such as Women in Delivery, support women in acquiring new skills and executing the most ambitious FinTech projects. See what their day looks like and discover a world that could be yours too.

Daria Stolarska

"Tutaj mój czas wolny jest szanowany. Kiedy po południu zamykam laptopa wiem, że nikt mi nie zakłóci odpoczynku."

    Kinga Buczniewska

    "Capgemini ma wspaniałą społeczność Women@Capgemini, która wspiera ciekawe inicjatywy społeczne, pokazując młodym kobietom, że świat IT jest dla nich dostępny i otwarty"

      Bartoszewicz Barbara

      "Pracując w Capgemini mam „świat na wyciągnięcie ręki” – poznaję ludzi z różnych zakątków świata nie tylko online, ale również bezpośrednio w naszym wrocławskim biurze."

        What do we do? Who do we work for? What are our successes?

        What we do?

        We have a network of 61 000 FinTech, InsureTech and HealthTech experts in Capgemini’s global locations, so we offer our employees multiple capabilities under one roof! Clients from around the world appreciate our domain expertise and experience in next-generation global delivery.

          What we do?

          We provide the freedom to lead and transform businesses with proven consulting and technology solutions in the banking, insurance, and capital industries. ​

            What we do?

            We execute projects using the knowledge, experience, and commitment of our specialists. We combine technological know-how with business strategy planning in several teams.

              Discover our stories. How we influence the future of businesses in FinTech.

              Our Teams:

              The CLOUD team focuses on the back-end aspect of the software, with a strong focus on distributed architectures, Api/MicroservicesCloud Java and Agile

              DIGITAL focuses on the implementation of projects from the front-end, looking for talents from ReactAngularJS.NETPHP, as well as UX/UI designers

              The Banking & CM team is focused on projects combining broadly understood IT with the business world, with an emphasis on technologies such as Java and .NET, as well as analytical roles. 

              Digital Assurance and Quality Engineering is a team that focuses on ensuring success through quality control during digital transformation. 

              Przenieś się do świata metawerse!

              Wejdź do metawersu Capgemini! Odwiedź wystawę i odkryj nasze technologie. Dowiedz się więcej o naszych zespołach i ich pracy.

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