William Rozé

CEO of Capgemini Engineering and Group Executive Board Member

Group Executive Board


CEO of Capgemini Engineering
Group Executive Board Member

William Rozé has been CEO of Capgemini Engineering since 2021. He joined the Group Executive Board in 2022.

Prior to this, William was a member of the Altran Group’s Executive Committee from 2015 and Executive Vice-President in charge of Europe.
In 2018, William was appointed Executive Vice-President, Chief Operating Officer for Europe at Altran. From 2014 to2018 he was Altran’s Chief Executive Officer for France.
William joined the Altran group in 2001, in Toulouse and managed the French subsidiary. During this time, he developed Altran’s activities in Aeronautics, Space and Defense and helped in launching Altran’s first ER&D programs.
William Rozé is a graduate of INSEEC Bordeaux; the Fordham University in New York; and Paris-Dauphine University with a third cycle degree.