Belen Moscoso del Prado LOPEZ-DORIGA

Independent Director
Member of the Compensation Committee

Nationality: Spanish

Ms. Belen Moscoso del Prado Lopez-Doriga holds a Master’s degree in International Economics from Carlos III University in Spain.

She started her career in 1995 at The Walt Disney Company as Communications Manager for Spain and Portugal and later became a Senior Analyst in the European Marketing and Sales Strategy Department. From 2000 to 2008, as a consultant at Bain & Company, she worked on strategic review, performance improvement and postacquisition integration assignments in Europe and Central America. She joined Europcar in 2008 as Strategic Change Program Manager before becoming Head of Strategy & Partnerships at Solocal from 2010 to 2013. Then, between 2013 and 2015, she was Director of Digital Strategy, Transformation and Innovation at Axa before joining Sodexo to lead its digital transformation.

She was Digital & Innovation Director at Sodexo and a member of the Group Executive Committee until December 2022. She also sat on Sodexo’s Venture Capital Investment Committee.
Ms. Belen Moscoso del Prado Lopez-Doriga was Chairman of the Board of Directors of FoodChéri until December 2022.

She joined the Board of Directors of Capgemini SE on May 20, 2020 and was appointed a member of the Compensation Committee on the same date.

Ms. Belen Moscoso del Prado Lopez-Doriga is a Spanish citizen. She has acquired solid experience in the field of innovation and transformation applied to Digital and Date strategy over the course of her career in international corporations.
Principal office:
Ms. Belen Moscoso del Prado Lopez-Dorita was Digital & Innovation Director at Sodexo until December 2022.