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Future-ready education: Empowering secondary school students with digital skills

Report from the Capgemini Research Institute

With today’s massive flow of information online, acquiring digital skills has become a necessity for everyone – but especially for students – who will be entering a workforce that has been fundamentally transformed by technology.

With this in mind, we dedicated our newest Capgemini Research Institute report, Future-ready education: Empowering secondary school students with digital skills, to exploring the topic of digital skills in secondary education.

Digital literacy is now a prerequisite for professionals of all types, who must be able to navigate and participate in the digital world and to parse out useful resources from a sea of irrelevant, biased, or even false information. However, our research reveals that secondary school students are not sufficiently confident in the digital skills required to thrive in the 21st century. What’s more, this trend is particularly pronounced in students from rural areas and low-income families, creating an inequitable skills gap among students.

Based on our findings, and considering today’s rapid pace of technological change, it’s clear that governments and educational systems around the world will need to do more to prepare their students for success in the digital era. To this end, we believe it will be vital for organizations to understand the current shortcomings in digital skills preparedness as well as the steps that can be taken to address them.

In this report, we analyze the different dimensions of digital skills proficiency, including students’ confidence in their skills, teachers’ perceptions of students’ abilities, and how digital skills impact readiness for the workforce. We also explore how the emerging area of generative AI may impact and disrupt education. Finally, we provide recommendations on the actions that can be taken to further support students in developing digital skills.

Download our report to find out more about why it’s vital for students to acquire digital skills today and what we can do to better prepare them for a digital future.

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Meet our experts

Jean-Baptiste Perrin

Jean-Baptiste started his career in Capgemini Consulting France in February 2007, working for the Public sector practice. He led around 20 projects in sustainable development, education, employment and health. Before that, Jean-Baptiste had been working for the Strategic initiatives of New York City Hall Department of Finance. After 8 years of innovation & strategy consulting, Jean-Baptiste became chief of staff to Cyril Garcia when he was appointed CC Global CEO in 2014. He was Chief Marketing & Communications for Capgemini Consulting Global from 2017 and then for Capgemini Invent Global when the brand was created. Since 2018, Jean-Baptiste has been working on the business synergies with our recent acquisitions, namely Fahrenheit 212, Idean parts of Capgemini Invent and social impact agency Purpose. He now leads our social impact initiatives under the „Invent for Society” banner.

Marisa Slatter

Expert w Strategy & Transformation
I work closely with industry leaders and academics to help organizations understand the business impact of emerging technologies. I advise our clients on how to transform the way they engage with their customers and to re-align their organization, employees, and operations to be more efficient, effective, and profitable.

Lucie Taurines

Expert w CR&S, Digital Inclusion, Financial Services
I have worked closely with the social sector for years, with my focus trained on employability and empowerment of under-served communities. One of the key lessons I learnt through my experience is that technology is a powerful and indispensable tool for progress and development. In my current role as the Global Head of Digital Inclusion, I see to it that Capgemini continues to be a truly responsible company through real and positive impact on society. By sharing our skills, expertise and our vast network, we aim to strive for an inclusive and sustainable digital future. With the digital gap deepening in the society, the need of the hour is a strong ecosystem to support the synergy between business leaders and state/non-state actors working towards social development. As I work to create that strong ecosystem, my ultimate goal is to make Digital Inclusion an integral part of Capgemini’s DNA and backbone. In the process and through powerful success stories, my ambition is to showcase to the world, the power of unexplored talent pools often ignored due to lack of representation.

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