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A sustainable future calls for collective action, bolder leadership, and smarter technologies.

In our inaugural edition of “Conversations for Tomorrow,” we focus on sustainability. Examining perspectives from Frans Timmermans, the European Commission’s executive vice president of the European Green Deal; Beatriz Perez, chief communications, sustainability and strategic partnerships officer at The Coca-Cola Company; and Dr Sally Uren, chief executive of leading sustainability non-profit organisation Forum for the Future, among many others, we found that a sustainable future rests on three pillars: collective action, bolder leadership, and smarter technologies. To play a part in building it, businesses must find innovative ways to make a positive impact on the world. In so doing, they also stand to build competitive advantage and strengthen their organisational resilience.

Frans Timmermans tells us, “We are at the start of an incredibly complicated transformation process. It will require enormous efforts, but it can be done.” As we navigate this unprecedented process together, we hope this new journal will contribute to shaping new solutions and informing the strategic programs needed to drive a sustainable future.

Scroll down to view all the interviews, perspectives and articles in this first edition. You can also download the pdf or the infographic to the right.

In the next edition of “Conversations for Tomorrow,” we will look at new ways of working, given how the COVID-19 pandemic has profoundly changed the way we live, work, and conduct business. Until then, be well and focus on what matters to you.