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Capgemini acquires 23red to boost its sustainability and purpose-driven creative brand design capabilities in the UK

22 Nov 2022

Paris, November 22, 2022 – Capgemini announced today that it has acquired 23red, a UK based purpose-driven creative agency with clients mainly in the Public and 3rd Sectors. 23red specialises in developing brands and campaigns that change behavior for the better and have a positive impact on people’s lives. The transaction signed and closed on November 17.

Through cutting-edge insight, expert strategic planning and award-winning creative ideas, 23red helps leading businesses, charities and government to shift the behavior of their audiences. Based in London, its team of experts deliver projects for clients, including the UK Government, that focus on immediate actions to drive long-term change. They conduct work that engages audiences through the most relevant channels, close to the point of purchase, influence or change. The 23red team will join frog in the UK, part of Capgemini Invent.

Clients in the public and 3rd sectors are increasingly relying on the use of data insights and digital technologies to truly engage their target audiences. This is particularly pertinent for public information, societal and charity communication campaigns,” said Cyril Garcia, CEO of Capgemini Invent and Group Executive Board Member. “23red’s capacity and competencies in this space will help our UK team to meet increasing demand for our sustainability and purpose-driven customer first services, which are also a key growth area for the Group. I am delighted to welcome them to Capgemini.”

Comments Jane Asscher, CEO and Co-Founder of 23red, “As a purpose-driven organisation, we felt that our values and culture were closely aligned to those of the Capgemini Group. This was a key consideration for us. Capgemini’s global scale and breadth of industry expertise will bring great added value to our clients in the public and 3rd sectors. We are excited about the range of services that the Group provides to numerous global brands and the amasing career opportunities that this will also bring for our team members.”