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Evan Jarvis

Senior Consultant | Cloud & Custom Applications (CCA) 

New Zealand

Experienced professional

From Concrete to Cloud: Evan Jarvis’s Career Journey at Capgemini 

When you picture a tech consultant, you probably don’t imagine someone who used to pour concrete for a living. But that’s exactly where Evan, now a Melbourne-based Senior Consultant in Capgemini’s Cloud & Custom Applications team, started his career. 

Evan’s mornings start with a ritual familiar to many office workers – caffeine. “I arrive at the office and collect a latte,” he says. “We have a great barista in the Melbourne office.” But from there, his day can go in multiple directions. “Most of my day revolves around our current client project, which today is replacing a document generation solution,” Evan explains. “I’m constantly coordinating stakeholders, planning upcoming tasks, and working through any issues that pop up.” 

What stands out is Evan’s commitment to continuous improvement. “I make a little time for learning and development every day after work if I can,” he shares.  

Perhaps the most fascinating part of Evan’s story is his career trajectory. “Before Capgemini, I worked in construction as a Concreter,” he reveals. His background seems worlds away from his current role, but Evan sees clear connections. 

“My first roles at Capgemini were working with two clients to address pain points in the delivery of Managed Services,” he recounts. “This was really the starting point for my professional career, teaching me the fundamentals of how business worked and how to perform in this environment.” 

During his time, Evan leveraged his experience and learning opportunities to move into Project Coordination and then Project Management. He’s quick to credit his mentors: “I’ve been incredibly fortunate to work with some phenomenal EM’s and PM’s. They’ve taught me so much about Project Management and Consulting.” 

When asked what advice he’d give to someone considering a career at Capgemini, Evan doesn’t hesitate: 

“Be organised and track your tasks,” he emphasises. “A little extra effort up front will prevent significant pain later.” 

He also stresses the importance of curiosity: “Ask questions. Nobody will be upset, and every time you learn something, your value to the team increases.” 

Evan’s final piece of advice? “Take every opportunity you can. There’s no knowing where your career will take you, or what role or task you will enjoy until you give it a try.” 

In just over 18 months at Capgemini, Evan remains enthusiastic about his work. “Honestly, the ability to constantly learn new skills and meet new people keeps me excited and engaged in this role!” he says. “It’s a great feeling being able to move into a new project and solve problems for our clients.” 

When asked about Capgemini’s brand promise – Get The Future You Want. Evan sees his work as a two-way street, helping clients reach their goals while simultaneously developing his own skillset and professional portfolio. As Evan puts it, “The projects and engagements I work on provide great opportunities to help our clients reach their goals, while simultaneously developing my skillset and professional portfolio to achieve my goals as well.” 

We’d like to thank Evan for sharing his story with us. His experiences remind us that in the ever-evolving world of tech consulting, sometimes the most unlikely paths lead to the most innovative solutions.