Drive net zero

The winning brands of the Next Economy will be organizations that are first to fully embrace sustainability.

The world is at a critical climate tipping point and collectively we must act now. We can no longer maintain business as usual. It’s time to go beyond net zero and build a sustainable, regenerative future.

Consumers worldwide are demanding that sustainability sits at the heart of the brands they engage with. Organizations failing to adopt sustainable principles also risk being vulnerable to environmental legislation and losing market relevance. From product and service innovation to brand stories and transformative business models and ways of working, we help organizations make the transition to the Next Economy.

We work closely with business leaders and internal stakeholders to define sustainability purpose, vision, strategy, and roadmaps, and to identify the best opportunities for sustainable innovation. Our multi-disciplinary teams empower organizations with new processes, practices, design, and technologies, embedding sustainability into their DNA.

Together we will define and accelerate your path to net zero.

    Net zero strategy

    How can the modern enterprise achieve a 45% cut in CO2 emissions by 2030 and become net zero by 2050?

    Capgemini Invent

    New business models

    Is it possible to operate a business that meets the needs of people and planet while also making a profit?

    Capgemini Invent

      What we do

      Embrace people and planet-centricity

      CXOs today must be ready to be both people- and planet-centered leaders. Over the next decade, all organizations will have to radically reconsider their business models to achieve an outcome aligned with the 1.5 degree climate science. Those that are not ahead of this curve will be left behind – caught by legislation or outpaced by society and competitors.

      We work with our clients to identify the best opportunities and models to serve their business, customers, and the planet, whilst aligning with sustainability values, goals, and environmental regulations. Whether you are a leader looking to grow beyond your core or a start-up with an with an idea, our structured Venture Design approach delivers a focused, fast, proven path to market.

      To truly shift your business toward a regenerative future, we look at both current and future possibilities, working with you to build a sustainability-first business: from brand purpose to processes and teams.

      Design for a regenerative future

      Using the latest in circular and regenerative design, we help organizations develop more dynamic, sustainable, and adaptive products and services that re-purpose or reduce resources, lower environmental impact and care for communities.

      Our approach considers products across their entire lifecycle, from how they are made and used, right through to their repair and how they interact with communities and the planet. Our proven frameworks, methodologies and processes enable clients to visualize problems and understand true cause and effect so they can clearly see what changes will make the most impact.

      We shape products, services, and environments to align with the values, expectations, and regulations of the Next Economy.

      Craft a Next Economy brand

      With increasing consumer and employee demands and tightening legislation, the most successful organizations will be those that lead with a strong sustainable purpose.

      We help organizations define that purpose and align it across their enterprise, business models, products, services, and value propositions. We craft brand stories and build assets to activate company purpose both internally and externally to improve corporate reputation and overall engagement with customers and employees.

      Brand is no longer what you say but how others experience you – authentically. We enable a brand to transition to the Next Economy.

      Build next economy teams

      To lead the businesses of the future, organizations need to equip their teams and transform mindsets and cultures to be ready to launch, maintain, and grow sustainable experiences, products, and services.

      Our designers, strategists, and technologists, partner with organizations to create the internal infrastructure and leadership required to become a Next Economy business. Through the development of talent, tools, structures, and strategies, we enable organizations to actively shape their organisation to become a business where teams operate with true purpose and tangible action in social and environmental sustainability.

      We help our clients become people and planet-centered.


      frog, part of Capgemini Invent, drives customer-centric transformations at scale through innovative and human-centric design work.

      Latest thoughts

      Meet our experts

      Kara pecknold

      Kara Pecknold

      Global Co-lead of Sustainability, Capgemini Invent
      Kara is an Executive Design Director and Sustainability lead at frog who is passionate about the  dynamic  opportunities for impact found at the intersection of people, planet, services and systems. With a graduate degree in design and over 15 years of experience, she has supported her clients to build better futures through design research, team and org activation, product and service design and new ventures.