Responsible business

At Capgemini, we strive to foster responsible behaviors in our daily business practices.

The Group has zero tolerance for bribery and corruption. We are also committed to fair and open competition, and to respecting internationally recognized human rights.  And it is fundamental for us to make a positive environmental and social impact when partnering with local and global suppliers to deliver value to our clients. 
We also have a deep commitment to protecting all personal data entrusted to us as part of our activities. Data is a key pillar of our strategy, and we intend to remain a leader in data protection. 

As part of our Environmental, Social and Governance policy, we have set ourselves the following objective:

By 2030, suppliers covering 80% of the purchase amount of the previous year will have committed to our ESG standards.

Responsible behaviors and business practices

As a responsible and ethical business, Capgemini has zero tolerance for corruption.

We voluntarily signed the UN Global Compact in 2004, committing to “work against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery.”  
Our Anti-Corruption Compliance Program is part of this commitment to maintain and promote world-class standards of business integrity and trust, wherever we operate.

We are committed to conduct our business in a way guided by the principles of fair and open competition, and in full adherence to the applicable competition laws. Complying with such legislation leads to better business, and builds the trust of our clients and the general public.

It also prevents financial and reputational damages to Capgemini. Hence we have adopted a Group Competition Laws Policy which is binding for all Capgemini employees. 

We strive to guarantee an alignment with our ethical standards, and the expectations of our clients.

For over ten years, the Group has had a mandatory purchase order policy and Global Purchasing System, which gives a clear picture of all our activities, from sourcing to payment. 

Our Supplier Standards of Conduct sets the minimum commitment we expect from our suppliers with regard to CSR, ethics and anti-bribery, regulatory compliance, and business relationship standards.

We are committed to protecting all data entrusted to us and defending our business, and our clients, against cyberattacks. 

We strive to protect and promote human rights across our value chain, and in accordance with international standards. 

There has never been a better time to leverage technology and human capabilities to tackle Environment, Social and Governance challenges.

Our policies

Having established policies by which we all abide – the Group, our clients, our people, and our partners and suppliers – helps us ensure our integrity as well as our compliance with the law.

Our ethics helpline SpeakUp is accessible round the clock to report concerns and request advice or guidance about actions or behaviors that are not aligned with our Values, our Code of Business Ethics, or related ethics and compliance policies; not in compliance with applicable laws, or that may significantly affect vital interests of Capgemini and its affiliates.