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Intelligent property

Reduce property risks with climate change and sustainability metrics while cutting costs

The secondary peril loss experience — including wildfires, rainstorms, and floods — has deteriorated for years and this will continue with greater loss frequency and severity due to increasing climate risks and slow adoption of sustainability practices.

Capgemini’s World Insurance Report of 2022 highlights that only 35% of insurers have adopted advanced data analysis tools such as machine-learning-based pricing and risk models. Resilience champions — only 8% of insurers — access more than six data sources, including satellite data, remote sensors, weather stations, geo-data, social media data, ESG models, and water levels.

65% of insurers do not use advanced data analysis tools

Innovative tools and technologies can help insurers profile risks with more granular details including green metrics, enhanced predictability of losses, and timely and accurate property valuations. In addition, centralizing all location insights with currently insured properties and historical information enables a portfolio level view for the insurer to make better book decisions.

Our proprietary Intelligent Property Solution offers a differentiated approach to sustainable property, powered by curated data plus data-driven and actionable insights. Gain results with sustainability, risk management, and operational advantages that enable:

Profitable Revenue

  • Reduce underwriting turnaround time by up to 25%
  • Increase risk selection and pricing accuracies by up to 20% due to external data enrichment, prefill, and profiling

Expense Reduction

  • Reduce underwriting expenses by up to 15% with optimized site inspections through prioritizations using prefill and granular risk scoring

Enhanced Efficiency

  • Improve operational efficiencies by up to 30% from reduced underwriting turnaround time and qualified risk measures

Cost Avoidance

  • Avoid costs of up to 40% by using the sustainability data hub platform
  • Eliminate development costs of up to 60% with pre-built accelerators, ready to deploy application, and models

We’ll help you to lessen premium leakage, increase risk selection and profiling accuracy, reduce protection gaps, and increase product innovation quickly. Our platform’s API-driven customizable models, rapid prototyping and onboarding, data enrichment ecosystem, and easy workflow integration allows us to bring your use case to life in as little as 16 to 22 weeks.

Let’s explore together how best to help you encourage sustainable property growth, promote resiliency in community development, and innovate to increase customer engagement and revenue growth.

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