LEADING Sustainability

Embark on the Business to Planet journey by accelerating sustainability in a changing world

The call for climate action resonates deeply with business leaders. But it’s not just the right thing to do – it’s also good business.

Companies that adopt eco-friendly processes and join the global fight against anthropogenic climate change stand to gain in many ways, including good will from the public, agile workflows, and growth opportunities.

More people are realizing that the choice between making a profit and reducing environmental impact is a fallacy. This is truer than ever given the promise of emerging technologies and digital transformation.

We champion a mindset that incorporates the planet and its people as fundamental stakeholders. Moving beyond business to consumer or business to business, a crucially important journey will be Business to Planet.

This transformative journey integrates climate technologies and sustainability innovations, empowering each stakeholder to reduce environmental impact and unlock sustainable opportunities. Through this conscious acceleration, we infuse the planet’s needs into every decision-making stage, ensuring organizations meet current objectives and stand well-prepared for an inclusive and sustainable future.

Business to Planet is a commitment to delivering value for both people and the planet. It fosters genuine innovation, unlocking value and constructing an ecosystem devoted to delivering positive impact.

Will you join us on this journey and consciously accelerate sustainability?


    The Glasshouse, NYC • September 25, 2024

    Sustainability Infographic & Report

    Bridging the gap between thoughts and actions


    Discover how we are fully embracing the need to move from business commitments to sustainable results.

      “a sustainable future is achievable only with deep collaboration with our clients, suppliers, and other stakeholders.”

      Aiman Ezzat, CEO

      Watch Sustainability videos

        What Sets Apart Sustainability Frontrunners In Business?

        Overcoming sustainability challenges, together

        How can Inflation Reduction Act impact sustainability initiatives

        Measuring Scope 3 emissions with intelligent supply chain

            Biodiversity: Preserving the fabric of life

            Biodiversity Trends 86%of executives say biodiversity is important to the planet, yet only 63%say it is important to their company

            Social intelligence for climate action

            9 OUT OF 330 MILLION PEOPLE discussing global warming on social media think companies over-communicate on sustainability

            Discussion with William McDonough

            In 50 years’ time, I hope to see a shift towards hydrogen-powered energy and renewable energy combined with battery and high temperature thermal

              Sustainability for our future


                In our international series of conversations with clients and leading thinkers, we discuss how organizations can address specific sector challenges while future-proofing innovation. Swipe for more.


                A sustainable future through new transport, infrastructures, and behavior changes.


                ESG reporting, smart grids, digital transformation and sustainability, and Web3 are amongst the hot topics.


                The need for, and nature of, innovation is changing in the auto industry.

                Consumer products, retail, and distribution

                This industry is at the forefront of many sustainability battles, with victories too, notably in reducing food waste in the value chain.

                Financial services

                Without innovative financial solutions, the transition to a low carbon future will be impossible.

                  Climate tech and data: Key enablers

                  The growing urgency around climate change has placed it at the forefront of global issues. To avoid its worst impacts, global greenhouse gas emissions must be halved by 2030 and lowered to net zero by 2050.

                  In this Capgemini Research Institute report, we look at why data is key to bridging the gap between net zero ambition and action.


                    Creating a balance between two equally important imperatives – the security of affordable energy supply and the fight against climate change.

                    World Energy Markets Observatory

                    Balancing the fight against climate change with energy security.

                    Low-carbon hydrogen

                    The path to a greener future.

                    Capgemini Research Institute

                    Remodeling the future

                    Industry execs agree: new energy models are key to survival.

                    Capgemini Research Institute

                    The tipping point for the energy transition

                    What we can expect to see in 2023? Will this year be the tipping point?

                    Unlocking the hydrogen age

                    Engineering challenges in the hydrogen age.

                    Capgemini Engineering

                    Burning hydrogen in internal combustion engines

                    A smart and affordable option for reduction CO2 emissions.

                      New sustainable business models

                      Our experts

                      Salomon (Sol) Solinas

                      EVP: Americas Sustainability Lead
                      I’m a corporate sustainability and digital transformation expert, with 25 years’ experience, spanning multiple industries, and the lead for Sustainability in the Americas for Capgemini. My ESG and sustainability expertise includes digital transformation, circular economy, strategic energy management, ENERGY STAR and LEED green buildings, green IT, renewable energy, carbon foot-printing, and environmental metrics/ reporting. I was a founder of US EPA’s ENERGY STAR program and its Director of Strategic Planning.

                      Tyler Williams

                      Deputy Head – Americas Sustainability
                      Tyler Williams is Deputy Head for Capgemini’s Sustainability practice in the Americas and Principal of Sustainability & Energy Transition. His focus areas include net zero strategy, GHG and ESG monitoring and reporting, and supply chain decarbonization. His expertise includes 15 years of experience in asset-heavy industry managing large teams and programs across 20+ countries; and extensive sustainability experience including robust economic and policy analysis in energy and carbon markets, having led advocacy efforts up to the C-suite level with customers, partners, and trade associations.

                      Franco Amalfi

                      Director, Sustainability Strategic Initiatives and Partnerships
                      Franco is a sustainability expert and digital transformation global thought leader with 25 years of experience in all aspects of sustainability and digital transformation. He leads the sustainability strategic initiatives and partnerships for North America at Capgemini. He leads the Net Positive initiative working with industry thought leaders, as well as initiatives for double materiality and Generative AI for sustainability.

                      Miguel Sossa

                      Vice President & Americas Sustainability GTM Lead, Capgemini
                      Miguel is Vice President and Sustainability GTM Lead for Capgemini Americas. Miguel has over 20 years of experience navigating Fortune 500 clients through complex sustainability and organizational challenges. He is a champion for positive social and environmental change which has led him to create a new sustainability-focused scholarship fund to empower underrepresented students to pursue their dream careers while meeting urgent environmental and social needs. MÁS will provide financial and mentorship support to graduate students enrolled in Michigan’s Erb Institute for Global Sustainable Enterprise.