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Unlock the power of experience with ServiceNow

We empower our clients to constantly adapt their people, organization, and systems to deliver consumer-grade employee experiences and bring unmatched service excellence to customers.

Our solutions extend ServiceNow capabilities to accelerate your digital transformation strategy rather than get in the way. Capgemini was proud to be a SELECT sponsor of Knowledge 2022, with live and in-person events across the globe.

Watch our expert interviews or catch up on our sessions and learn how we use automation to Unlock the Power of Experience.

Ready, set, transform your patient experience to accelerate clinical trials

Signant Health, a leader in clinical trials, worked with Capgemini to improve patient retention with customer-driven experiences leveraging multiple channel solutions, including phone, chat, email, a self-service portal, and mobile accessibility. Leveraging this technology and patient engagement model proved to be significantly impactful to accelerate clinical trials, including COVID-19 vaccine development. The results? A clinical trial for Pfizer launched in four weeks and managed incidents from 46,000 patients. 95 percent patient satisfaction rate.

Session speaker :

Leslee Sheffield, Senior Global Sales Professional, Capgemini

Intelligent Industry – Empowering workers through automation with Capgemini

Industrial companies are increasingly challenged by an aging workforce further exacerbated by The Great Resignation. In the evolution of the Intelligent Industry, companies are faced with urgency to deliver seamless experiences from hire to retire as they seek new ways to engage, train, and retain workers.

Session speakers :

Vinay Aggarwal, ServiceNow Platform Offerings Leader, NA, Capgemini

Alex Albano, Senior Director, Employee Experience, Capgemini Invent

Learn how we empower workers to perform their jobs better, faster, and safer through automation by downloading the  presentation.

Leading manufacturing intelligent automation journey with Capgemini

We looked at what it took to pivot leading manufacturing organization to a unified smart workflow system that unlocked productivity by a streamlined and modernized approach to operating procedures. It’s no secret that technology can transform business by eliminating redundancies and streamlining processes via automation, but it is also an arduous task.

Session speakers:

Boris Rabkin, Head, ServiceNow Delivery, North America, Capgemini

April Smith, IT Service Management Consultant, Capgemini

Learn how we unified smart workflow through automation by downloading the presentation.

Capgemini is helping the boardroom to rethink how to manage risk in 2022

We explored how businesses can better respond in the face of both systemic and systematic risks and discussed how ServiceNow’s Integrated Risk Management offering can help you cope in a year where Black Swans are the New Black!  

Session speaker:

Kaylene O’Brien, Managing Director / CEO of Capgemini for Australia and New Zealand

Gemma Kyle, Group Executive, Risk and Compliance for Rest Super