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Open assurance

Liberating data to release a fantastic customer experience 

Telcos should liberate their data from proprietary data stored to better serve their customers

In order for data to deliver on its promises, it needs to be liberated, accessible, and understood. However, in many cases the Operational Support System architecture is often disparate and siloed, limiting data accessibility, and this is especially true for Service Assurance which needs data from many corners. 

That’s where Open Assurance comes in – building a Service Assurance architecture around data to allow mastery, control and usage. 

CSPs can start to implement incrementally an Open Assurance blueprint today and bring the full benefits of modern AI and analytics to enhance service quality. In this way they can obtain a more holistic understanding of their operations, be more efficient in resolving issues and identify incidents before they occur.  

In this paper, we introduce a data-centric approach for the modernization of your Service Assurance domain, defining initial steps that lay the foundations for its wider transformation. You will: 

  • learn about the key challenges and key drivers of modern Service Assurance;
  • understand Capgemini’s blueprint for Open Assurance as a data-driven approach, and
  • prepare to integrate Open Assurance in a practical, low-risk manner into your existing OSS. 

Find out how Open Assurance can get you a fantastic quality of service with increased efficiency.

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