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Group Anti-Corruption Policy

The policy details the anti-corruption principles set out in our Code of Business Ethics and defines our anti-corruption standards.

Capgemini has zero-tolerance for any type of corruption, it is contrary to the Group’s values. This Group Anti-Corruption Policy applies to all our employees, at all levels of the Group. Violations are sanctionable.

Following anti-corruption rules and regulations leads to better business including trust and competitiveness as well as prevents reputational damages to Capgemini and escalated project costs.

The objectives of this Group Anti-Corruption Policy are to:

  • Identify and clarify the different types of corrupt practices and explain what makes them illegal.
  • Define Group standards on activities, such as promotional expenses and corporate sponsorship that could lead to or be interpreted as corrupt practices.
  • Express our conviction that honesty fosters competitiveness. By letting integrity direct our day-to-day actions — from research to marketing, from daily routine tasks to strategic development — we protect and ensure the long-term sustainability of the Group’s growth. In an increasingly competitive world, integrity has become an asset valued by our clients, business-partners, employees and society at large.
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            <a href="" id="btn-1560762334357" class="section__button btn-general" target="_self">Group Anti-Corruption Policy</a>

To safeguard our reputation and business integrity, Capgemini seeks to deal only with third parties that share our high ethical standards.  We expect our suppliers to commit to this by signing our Capgemini Suppliers Standards of Conducts, which also includes a commitment to adhere to anti-corruption laws, and avoid perceived or actual conflicts of interest.

Our Supplier Standards of Conduct outlines the obligation of our suppliers to conduct their business with the highest standards of integrity, avoiding all forms of corruption, bribery, extortion or embezzlement, and unfair business practices.

    <div class="row">
        <div class="col-12 text-left">
            <a href="" id="btn-1560760953271" class="section__button btn-general" target="_self">Supplier Standards of Conduct</a>