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Client story

Transforming a leading european public social welfare organization’s E-Services portal with ADMnext

Client: A leading European public social welfare organization
Region: Europe
Industry: Public sector

Supporting the renewal of the organization’s main employment portal that is visited over 30 million times a year by job seekers and employers

Client Challenge: This European public social welfare organization was grappling with an ICT environment in its employment services that was based on aging legacy systems. This was leading to delays, rising costs, and adverse effects on the customer experience within the main portal 

Solution: Capgemini’s ADMnext supported the transition of the main employment services portal from a legacy system to a modern, .NET-core, future-proof portal, which set the organization on the path to transform its entire e-Services landscape 


  • Significantly reduced time to production from releases once a quarter to releases once a month 
  • Reduced vulnerability while improving service continuity and stability 
  • Faster responses to changes in the market through a reduction to the release cadence 
  • Improved overall application quality while reducing complexity to bring the number of tickets raised to almost zero 
  • Significantly improved customer-friendliness and accessibility 

Transitioning to future-proof technology

In Europe, public organizations are responsible for providing citizens a gamut of social welfare services. These include employment services, which need to be delivered in a timely manner and in a more digital and omni-channel fashion to reach younger citizens. Public organizations are also mandated to comply with a string of legislation, which includes GDPR, from the EU.

In addition to contending with these challenges, a leading social welfare agency was grappling with legacy systems that had experienced a number of complications. With stringent audits conducted on citizen satisfaction and the overall effectiveness of the services, the agency was under a lot of pressure to improve the reactiveness of its e-Services within a strict budget and timeframe. The organization’s goals were to bring its citizen interactions through digital channels up by 90% and transform the ICT environment from internal and worker-centric to citizen-oriented.

Transforming the entire e-Services landscape with ADMnext

The organization decided to work with Capgemini’s ADMnext, the official ADM partner in online services and the Public Employment Service domain (e-services). Together, the partners modernized the welfare agency’s key digital channel by building the new platform using a component-based architecture. The project team created a proof of concept wherein the architecture’s principles and technologies checked and tested to see if they were a good fit for the application. With that done, over 50 Capgemini Scrum experts were deployed to implement the project with .NET core in combination with Angular. The Scrum teams renewed the middleware layer and the back-end layer stayed on the current technology. The middleware layer was built on this with Oracle technology, while the front-end layer was built with .NET core.

The organization was already using an Agile methodology for this application, so Capgemini’s ADMnext delivery team took things a few steps further by deploying Agile at scale. The partners had multiple teams working on various deliverables and bringing these disparate elements together to integrate them into one solution. It was no easy task and took a lot of conviction from both the agency and Capgemini teams to be able to share information and knowledge transparently about what went well and what didn’t.

The overall approach was very successful and now the organization is keen to deploy the solution throughout its entire e-Services landscape. The agency and Capgemini are building libraries and re-usable components to not only develop the other services quicker but also to transition complementary landscapes to these new technologies.

Overall, these initiatives enabled the social welfare agency to realize numerous benefits:

  • Significantly reduced time to production from releases once a quarter to releases once a month by deploying a component-based architecture
  • Reduced vulnerability while improving service continuity and stability
  • Faster responses to changes in the market through a reduction to the release cadence
  • Improved overall application quality while reducing complexity to bring the number of tickets raised to almost zero
  • Significantly improved customer-friendliness and accessibility.

New opportunities with ADMnext

The organization will continue to partner with Capgemini to further optimize its online services for citizens, employers, and other stakeholders. Joint Agile teams will take care of both the maintenance and improvement of the application landscape. At the same time, the partners are focused on reaching a higher level of automation in order to further improve the agency’s online services in a reliable manner with greater regularity.

Learn more about Capgemini’s ADMnext here.