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Changing the world with synthetic biology

Synthetic biology represents a trillion-dollar market that’s good for the planet and great for business. Find out more in our podcast episode.

Ever heard of synthetic biology? Chances are that know about genetic engineering where the pieces of code in a living organism are chopped and changed. Synthetic biology is similar — but different.

Join Capgemini’s Kary Bheemaiah and Ellen Simmons of Cambridge Consultants as they unravel the silken web of synthetic biology with show host Ollie Judge.

First, what is it? Rather than trying to change existing organisms, synthetic biology is about creating something novel based on the mechanisms within living organisms. It might be a new plant better able to survive in harsh weather conditions. Or a textile that can be used in more sustainable ways. Or even synthetic spider silk with all the attributes of the real thing (strength, lightness, etc.) but produced at scale.

The potential is huge. Kary and Ellen discuss how synthetic biology can be harnessed to make an impact on our lives, society, and the environment. It could even create a circular economy where waste or undesirable products are reused to create something else.

Tune in to our podcast to hear why Kary and Ellen believe synthetic biology will change the world. How can it be scaled and what skills are needed to make this happen?

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Our Speaker

Kary Bheemaiah

Chief Technology and Innovation Officer (CTIO), Capgemini Invent
Kary is Chief Technology and Innovation Officer at Capgemini Invent where he helps to define the business and sectorial implications of emerging technologies that are of strategic importance to Capgemini’s clients. Kary informs go-to-market implementation plans, aids in the creation of new client-specific solutions & services and contributes to thought leadership on innovative technologies. He further connects the world of emerging technology to all Capgemini Invent practices, clients, and sectors.