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Advancing Net-Zero for Life Sciences Operations

Advancing net zero for life sciences operations

Structuring sustainability for operations

Most of our life sciences clients are well on their way to establishing overall sustainability visions, complete with high-level frameworks.

Many of these companies have also made internal and public statements including specific goals related to decarbonization. But while these efforts are necessary, the actions required to meet these goals must come from coordination of several internal departments and external groups.

Many life sciences organizations are united in their commitment to net zero. The question is how can companies accelerate the journey with the lowest cost and have no impact to safety, quality, and efficacy?

While there is no one-size-fits-all approach to sustainability, there are some concepts – such as alignment with the broader organizational strategy and goal setting, adapting processes to gather and track specific metrics, focusing on high-impact use cases to build momentum, and implementing a change management program to help people embrace new systems – that are common to all programs. We believe that by anchoring the sustainability agenda in these components, organizations can begin the important work of reaching a net zero future.

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