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Internet of things – Smart services

Discover how an open, scalable, secure and end-to-end platform like Capgemini’s XIoT supports new services for utility, industrial, manufacturing, automotive, transportation and logistics companies.

Connecting up

We connect you up to:

  • Improve asset monitoring and maintenance across utilities, industrial, manufacturing, automotive, transportation and logistics businesses
  • Provide new connected and smart services for residential, commercial and business customers
  • Integrate the workforce with asset operations, field services and manufacturing

Many industries are moving away from age-related maintenance schedules and visual inspections toward IoT network management, remote tracking, and preventative and predictive maintenance.  Businesses have to adapt and innovate to ensure the necessary assets and devices are securely connected, as well as make sense of the huge quantities of data that they produce. And they need to do this quickly and cost-efficiently.


Capgemini’s Smart Services and XIoT platform leverage proven IoT technologies from Capgemini and Intel, as well as our vast expertise in the utility, industrial, manufacturing, automotive, transportation and logistics sectors. These services and associated platform allow businesses to deploy solutions to meet the widest range of use cases through intelligent edge technologies, open machine-to-machine communications capabilities and big data/analytics.

Open – connect any device

Highly scalable

Rapid device deployment

Edge and cloud analytics

Advanced security at scale

As-a-service model

Intelligent Asset Monitoring

Predictive Asset Maintenance with Edge Compute

Industrial and Commercial Energy Management

Comprehensive Asset Tracking and Monitoring for Logistics on Microsoft Azure

Comprehensive Asset Tracking and Monitoring for Logistics on Cloud

Robotics as a Service

Enabling the Smart Substation

Active Grid Management

We have unrivaled experience in the utility, industrial, manufacturing, automotive, transportation and logistics industries, delivering industry-specific solutions and leveraging our expertise in SMAC (Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud) to help a wide variety of companies around the world achieve tangible business results. Our extensive track record of innovation and delivery in these industries is supported by our comprehensive network of thousands of dedicated sector consultants.