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TechnoVision: Change making simplified for Financial Services

TechnoVision is the business catalyst that will help you master the complexities of our times to make the lives of consumers, colleagues and citizens easier, through simplicity. It provides a holistic framework for technology business transformation, enabling organizations to anticipate new trends, assess their potential, validate their enterprise readiness and exploit them.

TechnoVision Change Making, our annual thought leadership, backed by its framework and our proposition of simplicity leads the way in an environment of greater uncertainly. The TechnoVision framework has been used by enterprises to inspire and drive the business / technology conversation, devise innovation strategies, digital stories, and IT architectures, and apply the most promising technology trends.

We are proud to bring the Financial Services edition of TechnoVision 2020 to you. This edition illustrates and brings to life how some Banks and Insurers have embraced upcoming technology trends articulated through TechnoVision building blocks, towards driving technology fueled growth and business success.

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Use this, in combination with our TechnoVision Change making COVID-19 edition, to simplify by mastering complexity—drive the business / technology conversation, devise innovation strategies, digital stories, and IT architectures, and apply the most promising technology trends; and to create a tailored roadmap out of the health crisis.

TechnoVision is our holistic approach to technology, to enable organizations anticipate the new trends, assess their potential, validate their enterprise readiness and exploit them.

This is embodied by the mantra of ‘Future Thinking, Change Making.’  Read the TechnoVision Future Thinking report, which provides an executive guide to emerging technology trends and translate that to implementation through, our TechnoVision Change Making (COVID-19 edition).

You can also use our open-source TechnoVision boxes to lead and drive workshops for your team.

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If you would like to start a TechnoVision led business or technology conversation with us, please participate in our social conversation at #TechnoVision or contact us directly:

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