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Digital transformation

Making Brownfield factories smarter and greener

How to Make a Business Case for Digital Manufacturing in Brownfield Factories

Digital technologies are a crucial enabler for smarter and greener manufacturing. While variations exist at an individual enterprise level, on average, digital manufacturing investments by firms range between 15-25% of the total asset base.

A significant focus of these initiatives is targeted at brownfield sites. In fact, according to the Capgemini Research Institute report, The Resurgence of Manufacturing: Reindustrialization Strategies in Europe and the US, 60% of the focus of the reindustrialization strategies of European and US organizations is on a brownfield approach. Globally, manufacturers are making substantial investments to augment their existing brownfield operations with digital manufacturing capabilities, with spending growing to approximately US$107-109 billion in 2023.

However, bringing brownfield factories on board the digital manufacturing train is not easy, given the complexity and the risks to ongoing operations. The benefits that can be reaped by correctly implementing digital manufacturing capabilities in brownfield factories have the potential to far outweigh the risks and expenses of bringing about the change.

In the following pages of this Everest report, supported and endorsed by Capgemini, you’ll discover insights, case studies, and expert perspectives to help you build your business case and navigate your route to maximum value from your digital manufacturing initiatives for brownfield sites.

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