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Looking to improve business agility? Start with a move to cloud security

April 19, 2021

The cloud is the future of business. However, adopting it safely continues to be a struggle for many organizations. Recent Check Point research found that 75% of cybersecurity professionals are extremely concerned about cloud security.

It’s no wonder. Most organizations today use the cloud through a mixture of evolving hybrid environments and different cloud solutions. Without a unified view of what is in the cloud and where, organizations risk their sensitive data being exploited by cybercriminals – or even unintentionally leaked by employees.

Security is critical to innovation. To unlock the full potential of the cloud and improve enterprise agility, organizations need to consistently prioritize cybersecurity. They need to develop an approach that evolves with their company as they continue to innovate – and gives them much-needed visibility into their cloud environments.

Securing you cloud evolution

At Capgemini, we believe in a pragmatic approach to cybersecurity in the cloud, one that fosters digital trust in the business activities and transactions being undertaken. Our Cloud Security Services offer organizations a pragmatic and cost-effective solution. Whether you are just starting out on your migration to cloud, are re-evaluating your cloud architecture, or have already reached a mature position, Capgemini can help. In our approach. we make a difference between the situation of a  single, multi, or hybrid cloud. The context has a big impact on what are the best options and tool choices for a strong cloud security strategy. Our approach to cloud security takes the form of a four-stage roadmap:


Our Cloud Security Assessment provides you with insight into your current or planned adoption of cloud computing. We measure the maturity of your overall approach to cloud security and evaluate your existing cloud-based solutions (AWS, Azure or Google Cloud Platform) against cybersecurity benchmarks.


Our Cloud Security Advisory services are based on more than a decade of helping clients adopt cloud security. Based on our assessment, we help you develop the foundations on which to operate in the cloud. We advise on the design and construction of cloud security architectures to safeguard data and service across the cloud spectrum, and on all elements of cloud security. We also mitigate the impact of any skills gap in cloud security, providing knowledge transfer and the upskilling of in-house teams to help you move ahead with your cloud adoption and improve existing implementations.


Our Cloud Protection Services offer a range of solutions for identity and access management, data protection, application security and infrastructure security. Our teams can work either “ with” you to enable knowledge sharing, or
“ for” you – as a managed service provider – to implement secure cloud services.


To ensure the security of your cloud-based operations, our Cloud Security Monitoring solution makes security monitoring a key foundation of your cloud architecture. We use a combination of user behavior analytics, machine learning, and artificial intelligence to detect anomalies in user behavior, automatically investigate potential incidents, and prevent data breaches before they happen.

With our philosophy to “think like an attacker,” we protect our clients through a combination of threat intelligence, robust architectures, and a highly industrialized and automated service delivery model. Our approach exploits unified and standardized cloud security processes to speed up delivery from our world wide network of 24/7 global cyber defense centers.

To find out more about how we can help you with cloud security, click here.

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