
5G is the defining element of every telco’s transformation strategy. However, for operators, success will depend not just on their ability to deploy this powerful new network, but also on how they monetize their investment across industries and domains.

In most cases, seizing the opportunity provided by 5G requires organizations to accelerate their shift to the cloud and create a robust partner ecosystem to deploy industry use cases at scale.

With the window for competitive advantage beginning to close, telcos need to begin their 5G journey in earnest now. With Capgemini, they’ll be working with a partner who will help them get the future they want.

The path to net zero for telcos

The telecoms industry has a significant environmental impact today – and it’s predicted to rise in the years to come. We can help.

On Pulse – kestävän kasvun jäljillä

Kestävä liiketoiminta on meidän kaikkien etu ja samalla ainoa vaihtoehto. Vastuullisuudesta ja ympäristövaikutusten minimoinnista on puhuttu jo paljon, eivätkä pelkät sanat enää riitä. Tarvitaan tekoja, jotka aiheuttavat muutosta omassa organisaatiossa ja sen ulkopuolella.

Meet our experts

Jarmo Kortelahti

Director, Lead of Capgemini Invent in Finland | Expert in Telecommunications & High-tech Industries
With a strong 10 years of experience in the Telecom and High-tech industries, Jarmo has held a variety of senior roles both on the operator and the device manufacturing sides of large international companies.

Karl Bjurström

Global Head of Invent Telecom, Media & Entertainment
Karl Bjurström is a strategy consultant and manager who specializes in strategy formulation, data assurance, and scaling in the Technology, Media, and Telecom industries. He is passionate about helping clients use digital technologies to gain strategic and operational advantages within product development, customer experience, and marketing.

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