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Capgemini Invent showcases what’s next building the intelligent industry by creating a repository of over 100 unique 5G use cases for BIPT

The business opportunity of leveraging 5G is huge, and industry players across the globe are already tapping on to its true potential. Today, 5G isn’t about telcos alone. It is, in fact, driven massively by industry players, enabling them building what’s next. While Belgium is a little late in adapting 5G in comparison to other countries, both globally and in Europe, a recent study done by Capgemini Invent for the Belgian Institute of Postal services and Telecommunications (BIPT), the Belgian regulator, is a fine example of blending rich expertise and knowledge of 5G to inspire telecom operators, contenders, and demonstrate the true potential of 5G.

– The 5G Repository

To kickstart 5G in Belgium, in parallel with the planned frequency auction the federal government has reserved an amount to subsidise proof of concepts on 5G. The 5G repository, created by us, focuses on 113 unique detailed use cases for contenders to use those subsidies, to inspire them, and highlight the success factors of those use cases. This extensive repository looks at what is possible across industries, inspire operators and telecom operators to collaborate on interesting 5G use cases.

– Creating value for both B2B and B2C

While the B2C side is already benefitting through 3G and 4G, the study identifies that implementing 5G could benefit B2C sectors in terms of offering a truly reliable mobile connectivity. At the same time, the B2B environment is massively seeing new things popping up. The mobility aspect is enabled much more as compared to the previous mobile generations, especially in the processes and production sectors for example. So, we mainly identified real life B2B use cases in pilot or commercially available that will help our clients to explore the possibilities of 5G. The cases also will be implemented and used in our customer projects. In addition, we continue to explore the 5G ecosystem and to identify  along with our clients new cases from other industries that initially were outside the scope of the study.

– Shifting from connectivity to solution-based actions

Today, industries look beyond connectivity. They look at use cases and solutions including private networks and managed services leveraging new technologies. So, there isn’t just an operator but also the involvement of other parties like equipment providers, software providers and integrators to make sure the use cases function end-to-end using the power of 5G. One also needs to consider the seamless integration of Information Technology and Operations Technology. The repository will benefit industry players and consortiums looking to provide end-to-end solutions and not merely trying to solve connectivity problems.

– Building the 5G Future

With level of coverage well above 90% in certain countries and the deployment of private network, 5G is taking its place in  the heart of everything we do. So, it is very important for us in Belgium to demonstrate that we are on the top of the 5G game taking also fully into account the sustainability and health concerns and imperatives!

– Federal initiative for Pilot Projects

Overall, this study will benefit the federal government to build proof of concept, industries to be aware of what is needed, telecom operators and industry players to accelerate and implement 5G use cases and identify the true advantages and the value that 5G brings.

While we have done this study in collaboration with BIPT, we are open to collaborate and share our extensive knowledge and expertise on 5G to build the 5G future!

To read the study published by BIPT, click here.

Need 5G-based expertise? You can reach out to Frederic Vander Sande or Stefaan Vyverman at Capgemini Invent.