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Sustainability in action: Harnessing the power of data to unlock sustainable business transformation

Our joint study with Sweep delves into the critical importance of ESG data in advancing sustainability goals and navigating the low-carbon economy

The sustainability landscape is becoming increasingly dynamic, with the introduction of new regulations prompting organizations to respond with even more accuracy and transparency. Acknowledging data as a critical component in the quest to achieve this, organizations have begun reevaluating their ESG data strategy. However, data-driven sustainability is far from simple. Many have now realized they are unprepared to manage the large volumes of complex data that will ensure long-term viability. In many cases, the core issue lies in not fully leveraging modern technology. As a result, they lose their competitive edge by relying on time-consuming, manual methods.

Recognizing this blind spot, we joined forced with our partner, sustainability data management platform, Sweep. Together we conducted qualitative and quantitative analysis of US, UK, French, and German businesses to assess and address sustainability data challenges and support this urgent transition. We examine the growing importance of investing in cutting-edge ESG software (e.g., for ESG data management and ESG reporting) and developing robust data strategies.

“Increasing regulation is driving the need for transparency and naturally, data is key to this. Today, everyone recognizes the importance of data, but the reality is that organizations are really struggling with the fundamentals of handling large volumes and complex data with inadequate tech tools.”

Aurélie Lustenberger, Senior Director, Sustainable Futures, Capgemini Invent France

Our research found that nearly half of surveyed sustainability managers find managing complex data overwhelming. This indicates a significant gap between data collection and actionable insights. This gap can be closed by investing in cutting-edge technology and automating manual tasks, such as the reliance on manual spreadsheets. Moreover, many organizations are now required to gain green credentials, which necessitates a greater focus on reducing Scope 3 emissions. Here, effective data management is an invaluable capability. But none of this is possible without the right leadership and a comprehensive vision for sustainability. Explore all the findings by downloading the report below.

Sustainability in action:

Harnessing the power of data to unlock sustainable business transformation

This joint study by Capgemini Invent and Sweep explores the critical role of data in driving sustainability, offering insights and strategies to help businesses navigate the transition to a low-carbon economy.

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Capgemini Invent and Sweep provide a roadmap for businesses looking to harness the power of data and ESG analytics for sustainable transformation. Companies that embrace these insights will be better positioned to lead in the low-carbon economy, turning sustainability challenges into competitive advantages.

Sustainable Futures Performance

Elevate sustainability with data insights and our flagship Sustainable Futures Performance Tool. Accelerate transformation for a resilient future with comprehensive solutions.

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Meet our experts

Roshan Gya

CEO of Capgemini Invent
Roshan Gya was appointed CEO of Capgemini Invent, the digital innovation, consulting and transformation brand of the Capgemini Group, in January 2023. He is a member of the Group Executive Committee.

Aurelie Lustenberger

Vice President, Sustainable Futures, Capgemini Invent France
Aurélie supports organizations on their sustainable transformation journey. From defining the data strategy for ESG performance to implementing reporting to steer ESG trajectory, she leverages data and analytics to drive sustainable business value for her clients.

Aniruddha Guha Biswas

Director, Sustainable Futures Performance, Capgemini Invent
Aniruddha supports organizations on their sustainable transformation journey, empowering them to thrive in the next economy through sustainable business transformation. With expertise from strategy to execution, he supports clients in collaboration with hyperscalers / startups / scaleups ecosystems, seamlessly integrating consulting, design, science and engineering.