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What does it mean being a Top Employer?

6 Feb 2018

It’s the most wonderful time of the year, well for companies anyway. You might have seen posts popping up: companies who are very happy to say they are ‘Top Employer’.

It’s the most wonderful time of the year, well for companies anyway. You might have seen posts popping up: companies who are very happy to say they are ‘Top Employer’. It is not as random as you might think, it’s not that we decide to be a ‘Top Employer’ all of the sudden. On the contrary, it is very hard work to gain that award. So, how does it all work?

‘Top Employer’ is a recognition awarded by the ‘Top Employer Institute’, which you can check out on their very user-friendly website; They award companies with proven best HR practices. But what are best HR-practices? There is a list of conditions that you have to fulfill at your best:

  • Talent Strategy
  • Workforce planning
  • On-boarding
  • Learning & Development
  • Performance Management
  • Leadership development
  • Career and Succession management
  • Compensation & Benefits
  • Culture

The good people of the ‘Top Employer Institute’  perform audits every year to check out if we fulfill all these conditions to our colleagues, and how well it’s been done. So, it is not only important that you offer those things to your employees as an employer, you are also being graded on what you offer and how well. For example, we offer counsellors to our consultants who will mentor them in their career, which we will support with loads of training opportunities. It’s a clear example of career and succession management. For me personally, it is a confirmation of the good work we do. As a recruitment coordinator, I’m always proud to obtain the ‘Top Employer’-award, because it means that we do well in terms of talent acquisition.

Last year, we ended up in the top three of our industry here in Belgium. Which is a huge deal, even if the importance of the award is getting it, rather than where we are in the ranking: of the entire industry, we ended up being one of the best three. We will always strive to be the best, but we can be proud of where we are today. Moreover, we’ve been ‘Top Employer’ 12 years in a row. 12 years of continuously doing our best for our colleagues, and being recognized for that.

So, if you see a Top Employer certificate, think about all the work that’s behind it and that it doesn’t come easy.  Needless to say, I’m very much looking forward to Tuesday to find out if we will be rewarded for the thirteenth time.

We can find out together, Tuesday the 6th of February, I am more than happy to keep you updated on Twitter (@DuysH) or LinkedIn