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Enable smarter, safer monitoring and maintenance for energy & utilities with Capgemini’s XIoT platform

Uranium refueling and periodic maintenance during outages in a nuclear reactor is sensitive work. For EDF, one of the world’s largest energy and utility companies, refueling takes place every 12-18 months and, depending on the outage, requires hundreds of people and several weeks to complete. These huge operations are critical because every day behind schedule costs hundreds of thousands of euros in power generation losses. Work cannot begin without essential safety equipment in place, and EDF needed a smarter way to keep track of mandatory technician mobile air supply assets. Focused on EDF’s safety and efficiency requirements, Capgemini created an Internet of Things-based (IoT) asset tracking system based on Capgemini’s XIoT platform and Intel technology. Now, EDF’s maintenance teams can immediately view the location and status of every single unit in an area spanning three floors, each one measuring 1000m². EDF’s crews can automatically ensure the right equipment is ready to use and in the right place at the right time, so work can start on time.

Learn more information about XIoT solutions.