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The european cppa barometer h2 2023

Real Power Matters

H2 2023 saw the maturity of a new trend in CPPA markets: a consistently high number of new, lower total volume deals were announced

After a record-breaking first half of 2023, many people expected Corporate Power Purchase Agreement (CPPA) market activity to slow in H2. However, the strength of the market continues to overperform. The rise of lower total volume deals has surprised many experts. But what does this mean for renewable energy aspirations? We examine this subject and many more like it in the latest edition of our green energy report.

Corporate Power Purchase Agreement activity in the semester: H2 2023

CPPA barometer hand 98 dealsCPPA barometer meter 10,480 GWh/yCPPA barometer green 72%
announced during H2of cumulative volume (estimated)
announced during H2
of greenfield CPPA volume
announced during H2

The H2 2023 edition of this report includes the usual important data points: deals signed and announced, cumulative GWh and MW, greenfield Corporate Power Purchase Agreement (CPPA) volume, and a multi-country comparison.

As cross-border PPAs are steadily developing to leverage Spain’s competitive conditions, we also present pivotal insights garnered during an interview with Santiago Bordiú, CEO of Asset and Energy Management at renewable energy provider, IGNIS, commenting on this emerging trend.

European CPPA Barometer
Real Power Matters: H2 2023

A comprehensive report on Europe’s Corporate Power Purchase Agreement (CPPA) markets, including deals, cumulative GWh and MW, and multi-country comparison.

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