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Digital transformation

Capgemini Invent Digital IT Assessment

How to boost your IT for the Digital Age

Is your IT ready for the future?

The Digital IT Brochure for further reading!

Driving and enabling the organization’s digital agenda is a key priority for 72% of all IT executives. Though only few Digital IT Champions have succeeded in fully establishing all IT enablers needed to

  • Make effective use of the multiplicity of technology-driven innovation opportunities and advance them into company assets
  • Scale IT flexibly and ensure short time-to-market for new technology-driven services and products
  • Ensure entrepreneurial thinking and innovative mindsets
  • Keep employee development and talent attraction in line with fast changing market developments
  • Maintain IT cost efficiency and contribute to process automation and digitalization

Understand your Position

The Capgemini IT Assessment comprehensively evaluates your IT’s preparedness for driving and enabling your organization’s digital agenda. It is based on our Digital IT capability model summarizing our research on Digital IT champions best practices we see in all IT areas across industries.

The Digital IT Assessment Teaser for further reading!

Your Value

As participant you receive your comprehensive individual Digital IT Assessment report showing your IT’s overall positioning as well as the specific results across all IT dimensions. The report allows for comparison with industry peers and digital IT champions. It highlights current strength and action fields for further improvement. The Digital IT assessment scores can be used for tracking the success of your digital IT transformation journey.

Participation is free of charge.

How to participate?

The assessment is set up as an online survey. Participation takes approximately 30 minutes. Within eight dimensions (“Enabler”) we will ask you questions, which you can agree or disagree to on a 5-point-scale. Those questions are for example:

Please use the contact form below to receive your individual assessment link and reach out to us in case of any questions.

Meet our experts

Felix Middendorf

Vice President | Head of Business Technology, Capgemini Invent Germany
Seit über einem Jahrzehnt stehe ich CIOs als vertrauenswürdiger Begleiter zur Seite und unterstütze sie bei strategischen und operativen Herausforderungen. Durch meine Expertise in IT-Assessments, Strategieentwicklung und IT-Transformationen trage ich dazu bei, den Gesamtwert des Unternehmens zu steigern und die Effizienz der IT-Landschaft zu verbessern.

Henning Krohn

Senior Manager | IT Strategy & Digital IT Operating Model, Capgemini Invent Germany
Als Experte für IT-Strategie und Transformation berate ich mit mehr als 10 Jahren Erfahrung, CIOs und CDOs zur strategischen Ausrichtung ihrer IT-Organisation. Mit besonderem Fokus auf produktorientierte IT-Betriebsmodelle helfe ich Organisationen dabei, auf stets verändernde Kunden- und Marktanforderungen agil zu reagieren. Die IT-Organisation verstehe ich als Partner und Treiber der digitalen Transformation.