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Mastering the MedTech game

How to overcome the four connected health hurdles

The global market for connected medical devices is set to exceed $181.9 billion by 2030,  but with only three in four devices ever gaining FDA approval and extremely long regulatory reviews marring the process, the race to market dominance requires more than a knee-jerk reaction. It calls for quick action and proactive strategies to overcome the challenges that stand in the way of success.

By proactively addressing the most significant of these challenges, MedTech organizations can develop and launch connected health devices more quickly and efficiently, creating lasting value for themselves, their patients, and the healthcare industry at large.

In our latest point of view, we’ve identified four such challenges: uncertainty about regulatory compliance, cybersecurity, and data privacy; legacy infrastructure and technology architecture; failure to embrace experience-based design; and a deficit of intentional innovation. Read it to discover our solutions to these challenges and take the first step to overcoming them today.

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