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Digital transformation

World Payments Report 2023

Where is the cash? Accelerate corporate cash management transformation to build value

Banks and payment services firms need to rebalance their focus between retail and commercial payments to maximize value, and a one-size-fits-all approach to servicing corporate clients will not be successful.

  • Meet the changing expectations of corporate treasurers and provide them a 360-degree view of their cash for more efficient working capital management.
  • Prioritize top-down commitment, cohesive planning, and structural reforms to make transaction banking digital transformation happen, including more effective cash management services.
  • Build strategic cash management relationships with corporate clients to reduce competitor disintermediation and increase cross-sell and up-sell opportunities.

Key highlights

Highlight 1

Expanding digital payments infrastructure fuels non-cash transaction volume growth

Non-cash volume will continue to grow at a CAGR of 15% during the 2022-2027 forecast period on the back of expanding instant payment schemes, initiatives to couple cross-country payment infrastructures, growing adoption of ISO20022, and the proliferation of new payment instruments (wallets, QR code payments, A2A payments, and more).

High costs and stressed revenues leave little room for innovation

Managing the volume and velocity of key regulations and industry innovations comes at a signification cost for banks and payments firms. Moreover, revenues are also under pressure – limiting resources for innovation.

Enterprises with ineffective cash management services are vulnerable to business upsets

On average, a multi-national corporate has more than 27 banking relationships to meet all of its treasury needs. Despite multiple banking partners, enterprise clients face challenges across the cash management value chain.

Employ a layered approach to nurturing strategic relationship with corporate clients

End-to-end digital transformation in transaction banking requires top-down commitment, cohesive planning, and a unified purpose for structural reforms. Banks and payment firms must pursue a three-layered approach to overcoming legacy barriers.

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      Meet our experts

      Nilesh Vaidya

      Nilesh Vaidya

      Global Industry Head – Retail Banking & Wealth Management

      Jeroen Holscher

      Jeroen Holscher

      Expert in Banking, Cash management, Payments

      Elias Ghanem

      Elias Ghanem

      Global Head of Capgemini Research Institute for Financial Services

      Christophe Vergne

      Christophe Vergne

      Expert in Cards and Payments

      Venugopal PSV

      Venugopal PSV

      Senior Director, Cards and Payments practice

      Nilesh Vaidya

      Global Industry Head – Retail Banking & Wealth Management

      Jeroen Holscher

      Global Head Payment Services

      Elias Ghanem

      Global Head of Capgemini Research Institute for Financial Services

      Christophe Vergne

      Cards and Payments SME (Europe)

      Venugopal PSV

      Cards and Payments SME (APAC)

      Executive Roundtable participants

      Nicolas Cailly

      Nicolas Cailly

      Global Head of Payments & Cash Management

      Société Générale Corporate and Investment Banking

      Paul Van Sint Fiet

      Paul Van Sint Fiet

      Head of Cross-Currency Solutions, APAC

      JPMorgan Chase & Co.

      Wim Grosemans

      Wim Grosemans

      Global Head of Product Management Payments & Receivables – Cash Management

      BNP Paribas

      Sailesh Panchal

      Sailesh Panchal

      Director Digital Transformation Advisory

      TSB Bank

      Jan Rottiers

      Jan Rottiers

      Head of Liquidity Management Solutions for Corporates

      BNP Paribas

      Rachel Whelan

      Rachel Whelan

      Managing Director, APAC Head of Corporate Cash Management & Global Head of Payments & Transactional FX Product Management

      Deutsche Bank

      Nilesh Vaidya

      Global Industry Head – Retail Banking & Wealth Management

      Jeroen Holscher

      Global Head Payment Services

      Elias Ghanem

      Global Head of Capgemini Research Institute for Financial Services

      Christophe Vergne

      Cards and Payments SME (Europe)

      Venugopal PSV

      Cards and Payments SME (APAC)

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