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The great supply chain shock

COVID-19 response and recovery

Preparing for recovery with stronger supply chains

As it treads down its dark path, COVID-19 exposes many of our deepest vulnerabilities. In addition to the vast human cost, the societal, political, and economic implications are staggering and uncertain. But we must be ready for them. That’s why the Capgemini Research Institute is releasing a series of research notes with pragmatic guidance on how organizations can take action on the things that matter in the wake of COVID-19.

Last week, we urged companies to sharpen their focus on cybersecurity, both to safeguard themselves and their employees during the crisis, and to be ready for the new realities of a post-pandemic world. However, in addition to protecting their people, companies have to maintain operational continuity. That’s why this week, in The great supply chain shock: COVID-19 response and recovery, we look at the importance of urgently restoring the world’s disrupted supply chains.

As the COVID-19 crisis spreads its footprint globally, manufacturers around the world are left grappling with issues of short or no supply of raw material, transportation disruptions, and manpower shortages. However, it is critical that organizations, while responding with agility in the short term, also prepare for and take actions that further resilience in the medium to long term. After all, supply chains are the arteries of the global economy and, in these challenging times, companies must focus on crisis response and recovery to survive and prepare for a brighter tomorrow.

For more information on the subject of global supply chains, contact us. Most importantly, be well and focus on what matters to you.