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The European Cppa Barometer Q1 2023

Real Power Matters

If the rest of 2023 is like the first quarter, it is going to be a banner year for European CPPA markets.

In the first report of the year, we examine a very productive quarter for Corporate Power Purchase Agreements (CPPAs). Our experts take a closer look at the consequences of a general decrease in CPPA prices, the temporary profit cap for energy generation, and the many resulting discrepancies across certain countries. But one trend is clear: interest in CPPAs is only increasing with each passing quarter.

Check out the multi-country comparison in the Executive Summary to our new Capgemini Invent Q1 2023 edition of the European CPPA Barometer: Real Power Matters.

CPPA barometer Q1 2023

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Contact our experts

Arthur Arrighi de Casanova

Head of Sustainable Futures, Capgemini Invent France
Arthur has over 10 years of experience leading exclusively sustainability and energy transition engagements, supporting clients in the development of related strategies. At Capgemini Invent, in recent years, Arthur has applied his expertise to the creation of climate and growth strategies, renewables development, green power sourcing, market analysis, transformational roadmaps, business due diligence, new business model design, and go-to-market support.

Florent Andrillon

Executive Vice President, Global Lead Climate Tech 
Florent Andrillon is the Global Lead of Climate Tech at Capgemini. He leads strategy and business development with all sustainability and intelligent industry teams. He has more than 20 years of experience in the energy and utilities sector, helping companies achieve their sustainability goals and transition to a low-carbon economy.

Alexandre Le Déméet

Senior Consultant of Sustainable Futures, Capgemini Invent France
With a master’s degree in management from HEC Paris, Alexandre has been working at Capgemini Invent for the past few years exclusively on climate and renewable energy topics. He assists clients from multiple industries in securing their sustainability and energy transition objectives, notably by supporting their green sourcing strategy (Corporate PPAs, onsite production, go-to-market support, etc.).

    The main indicator presented in the report is the cumulated annual volume of CPPAs announced in the country. It corresponds to the sum of the electricity volume (in GWh/y) of all CPPAs that have been signed in this country during this particular year.