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AI Panel: How can AI help create a more inclusive world?

Rajeswaran Viswanathan
12 September 2022

With AI getting more powerful by the day, and augmenting our everyday lives, we had an open discussion about how AI can help to create a more inclusive world. And it’s a conversation with quite a twist. Sabrina, Jill, and Kelly are our AI language model panel members who were kind and thoughtful enough to answer the questions posed to them. Follow-up questions were based on their responses. None of the responses have been edited.

The answers in this article were completely authored by large AI language models. Only the questions were provided by humans.

[“Sabrina]” is                                [“Jill”]                                             [“Kelly”]
 GPT-3 from OpenAI                    Jurassic-1 from AI21                   Cohere from Cohere.
None of the responses were edited. We prompted the three different AI models three times for each question and selected the best responses. The humans in the loop were Rajeswaran Viswanathan and Aishwarya Jagtap, Capgemini.

Can you give a summary of your understanding of an inclusive world?

Sabrina / GTP-3 from OpenAI: Inclusive world is a term used to describe a world in which all people, regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, ability, or religion, have an equal opportunity to enjoy the same rights, freedoms, and opportunities. Inclusive world encompasses many different ideals, including the belief that people should be treated equally regardless of their background or differences. To create an inclusive world, we must work to demolish the hierarchies that exist in society and create an environment in which everyone is included. We must fight for policies that promote diversity and equality, and work to ensure that everyone has access to education, health care, and basic needs. There is still a long way to go before we can truly proclaim an inclusive world, but progress is being made every day. We need to keep working toward a world in which all people can have their voices heard and their dreams fulfilled.

Jill / Jurassic-1 from AI21: Inclusive world is a philosophy that advocates that the world should be inclusive, and that all people should be equal. Inclusive world advocates that all people should have equal rights, and that all people should have equal opportunities.

Kelly: Inclusive world means a world where everyone, regardless of their gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, or disability, has the opportunity to reach their full potential.

It’s interesting that you mention “demolish the hierarchies.”

How can AI be used to demolish the hierarchies that exist in society?

Sabrina: There are many ways that artificial intelligence can be used to demolish the hierarchies that exist in society. One way is by using artificial intelligence to create algorithms that identify and critique the implicit and explicit biases that underpin the current social order. AI can also be used to create algorithms that recommend policies that dismantle the hierarchies that exist in society. Finally, AI can be used to monitor and analyze the outcomes of these policies to determine whether they are effective.

Kelly / Cohere: I think AI is used to remove the hierarchies that exist in society. By providing equal access to information, AI can help people to be more aware of their situation and to have a better understanding of the context in which they operate. It can help people to be more critical and to have a more balanced view of the world.

How can AI help in the creation of a more inclusive world?

Sabrina: There is no one answer to this question, as AI can potentially help in a number of ways to create a more inclusive world. For example, AI can be used to help identify individuals who may be at risk of exclusion or discrimination, and AI-powered digital assistants can be used to help people with disabilities access information and services. Additionally, AI can be used to help develop more inclusive policies and practices, as well as to monitor compliance with existing inclusion policies.

Kelly: Inclusion is a key component of the AI strategy of the European Commission and of the European Parliament. In a few weeks’ time, the new AI strategy will be presented to the European Parliament and the Council. The Commission will also launch a wide-ranging consultation on AI, including on the ethical aspects of AI.

Is inclusive world a theoretical perspective or a philosophy for building AI systems?

Sabrina: It is both a theoretical perspective and a philosophy for building AI systems.

Jill: Inclusive World is a philosophy for building AI systems.

Kelly: It is a philosophy for building AI systems. It is a philosophy that is based on a foundation of human- centric principles. It is a philosophy that is rooted in the belief that AI systems should be built with the dignity and respect of human beings in mind.

What should humans do to help AI for creating an inclusive world?

Sabrina: There is no easy answer to this question, but one suggestion is for humans to educate themselves about the issues surrounding AI and its potential impacts, and to engage in open and honest discussions about the potential implications of AI development and implementation. Other actions that may be useful in this regard include encouraging the development of responsible AI policies and practices, and participating in research and advocacy efforts aimed at improving understanding of the potential

implications of AI development and implementation.

Kelly: It is important to have a common vision of the future and to be able to communicate that vision in a way that makes sense to all. We need to be able to explain how AI will affect the world and how we can work together to create a better world. It is important to be able to communicate our vision in a way that is understandable to the public and to politicians. I think that we should also be able to communicate our vision to the AI.

What is your advice for humans for creating an inclusive world?

Sabrina: There are a few things that humans can do to create a more inclusive world:

1. Be aware of your own personal biases and strive to
overcome them.

2. Be an active advocate for inclusion – speak up for others who may not have a voice.

3. Educate yourself and others on the importance of inclusion.

4. Standup against discrimination and bigotry in all forms.

5. Create safe and welcoming spaces for everyone, regardless of their background or identity.

Jill: Humans should create an inclusive world by first accepting that we are all different.

Kelly: I think that we should look at our own behavior and really try to understand what we are doing when we are interacting with other people. We can think about how we can create a more inclusive world by being more inclusive. I think that we can do that by learning to listen to people who are different from us, by learning to understand what they are saying and by trying to understand why they are saying what they are saying.

Interesting read?

Capgemini’s Innovation publication, Data-powered Innovation Review | Wave 4 features 18 such articles crafted by leading Capgemini and partner experts sharing inspiring examples of it – ranging from digital twins in the industrial metaverse, “humble” AI, serendipity in user experiences, all the way up to permacomputing and the battle against data waste.. In addition, several articles are in collaboration with key technology partners such as  AlationCogniteToucan TocoDataRobot, and The Open Group to reimagine what’s possible.  Find all previous Waves here.


Rajeswaran Viswanathan

Senior Director
Rajeswaran has over 28+ years of experience in IT with a blend of deep technical skills, profound understanding of AI and proven marketing credentials. He is proficient in NLP, Deep learning and core areas of AI. Currently, handling a team of 200+ data scientists, delivering multiple mission-critical solutions for clients in multiple sectors across the globe.