



北美继续保持增长轨迹,高净值人群的人数和财富增幅最高,分别为 13.2% 和 13.8%。从整体增长率的角度来看,亚太地区2021年的高净值人群增长(4.2%)和财富增长(5.4%)乏善可陈,这个在过去十年中主导高净值人群增长的地区落到了第三位。

Paris, June 14, 2022 – Capgemini’s World Wealth Report (WWR), published today, reveals the global High Net Worth Individual (HNWI) population grew 7.8% and their wealth grew 8% in 2021 owing to recovering economies being boosted by the stock market. North America continued along its growth trajectory, boasting the highest increase in HNWI population and wealth, 13.2% and 13.8% respectively. From an overall growth rate standpoint, APAC’s lackluster 2021 HNWI growth in population (4.2%) and wealth (5.4%) put the region, which had dominated HNWI growth over the last decade, into third place. Capgemini’s 2022 World Wealth Report examines global wealth movements in the past year, exploring trends and influences on the HWNI population.


In 2021, the top-four positions in HNWI population by market were retained by the United States, Japan, Germany, and China respectively, comprising 63.6% of the global HNWI population, an increase of 0.7% from 2020. Ultra-HNWIs ($30m>) led global wealth and population growth, at the rates of 9.6% and 8.1%. While the Millionaires Next Door ($1-5m) population (7.7%) and wealth (7.8%) grew the slowest, witnessing an acceleration in population and wealth growth rates. Conversely, the Mid-Tier Millionaire ($5-30m) population and wealth increased to 8.5% and 8.4%. The report also indicates that the growth gap across wealth bands is shrinking, indicating a more level playing field, due to improved information access for investors and democratization of asset classes.


To capture emerging client segments, firms must rethink their engagement strategies


  • 在未来两代人中,所有财富阶层的女性都将继承全球70%的财富。他们正在寻找不仅提供费用透明度和数据安全性的公司,而且还提供有关如何增加这种财富的教育。
  • 39%的千禧一代高净值人群在过去一年中由于服务缺乏透明度而更换供应商。鉴于对更多数字互动、财富教育和便利性的需求,他们频繁寻求新的财富管理公司。
  • 科技繁荣和风险投资致使独角兽企业激增,从而创造了独特的科技财富高净值人群,这个规模庞大的大众富裕阶层为财富管理公司提供了巨大的潜力,然而只有27%的公司表示他们积极追求这些前景。

The demographic of HNWIs has continued to evolve, with increasingly more women, LGBTQ+ individuals, millennials and Gen Z’s now seeking wealth management services. These emerging client segments each have their own values, preferences, and requirements which many wealth management firms are currently unequipped to provide for, resulting in many of these HNWIs pivoting to more adaptive competitors or smaller family offices. For example:

  • Women across all wealth brackets are set to inherit 70% of global wealth over the next two generations. They are seeking firms that not only provide fee transparency and data security, but also education in how to grow this wealth.
  • Similarly, 39% of millennial HNWIs had switched providers in the past year due to a lack of transparency. They are frequently seeking new wealth managers as they demand greater digital interaction, education and convenience.
  • The tech boom and surge in VC-backed unicorns has created a unique group of tech-wealth HNWIs, and this sizeable mass-affluent segment offers huge potential for wealth management firms, however only 27% of firms say they actively pursue these prospects.


The new wave of HNWIs possesses unique client needs which require wealth managers to adjust their business strategies. To unlock this largely untapped client segment, cites the report, wealth management firms must focus on providing greater convenience, personalized experiences and building trust through approaches such as ecosystem collaboration, comprehensive digital solutions, and greater diversity when hiring new talent.


Wealth management firms must embrace data-driven capabilities


The wealth management sector is undergoing a diversification of investment options, from Sustainable Investing (SI) to the growing prevalence of digital assets. As the ESG imperative continues to grow, wealth management firms must strive to make educational support and expansive product selection for HNWIs, key pillars of their strategies. The report found that globally, 55% of HNWIs have stated that investing in causes with a positive ESG impact is critical, with 64% of HNWIs asking for ESG scores to learn about a fund’s societal impact. However, 40% of wealth managers find it challenging to showcase an ESG impact.


Create Chief Customer Officer roles to deliver a superior experience


An increasing number of wealth management firms have been establishing a new Chief Customer Officer (CCO) role, aimed at nurturing client intimacy, and putting them at the heart of the wealth management process. The role focuses on orchestrating both data and digital benefits across the organization to meet evolving and complex client demands and drive loyalty.

报告发现,通过优先考虑自动化和数据驱动的洞察力,财富管理机构可以提供超个性化的客户体验,以满足新时代客户的期望。它指出,CCO 将在建立包容性客户生态系统方面发挥不可或缺的作用,同时通过可操作的数据分析提高其顾问能力。在此过程中,公司可以努力采用一站式方式来方便地满足所有客户需求,从而适应独特的生活方式和偏好,最终推动业务增长。

The report finds that by prioritizing automation and data-driven insights, wealth managers can provide hyper-personalized customer experiences to meet the expectations of new-age customers. It cites that the CCOs will play an integral role in building an inclusive client ecosystem while also enhancing their advisor capabilities through actionable data analysis. In doing so, firms can work towards adopting a one-stop-shop approach to meet all customer needs conveniently, which accommodate for unique lifestyle and preferences, ultimately driving business growth.



Report Methodology

The World Wealth Report 2022 covers 71 markets, accounting for more than 98% of global gross national income and 99% of world stock market capitalization. The Capgemini 2022 Global HNW Insights Survey queried 2,973 HNWIs across 24 major wealth markets in North America, Latin America, Europe, and the Asia-Pacific region. Interviews and surveys of more than 70 Wealth Management Executives were conducted across 10 markets, with representation from pure wealth management firms, universal banks, independent broker/dealer firms, and family offices, and queried Wealth Management Executives on the new Tech-Wealth segment, market trends, the role of the CMO, and future strategies. The 2022 Wealth Manager Survey covers more than 350 responses across seven markets and queried wealth managers on their views on the firm’s wealth management strategy priorities, their satisfaction with the support provided by their wealth management firm.



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