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Shining a light on childhood illness


Central Precocious Puberty (CPP) is a rare disease in which puberty begins much too early. This disease flew under the radar for a long time, as very limited awareness and education inhibited the ability to quickly diagnose CPP and deliver successful treatment outcomes.

However, CPP has long been important to a global pharmaceutical leader. This organization produces the top therapy for the disease and, in looking to make treatment even more effective, wanted to leverage digital channels to educate the public, drive awareness, and improve the overall treatment rate of the disease.


The organization worked with Capgemini to create a robust education campaign in support of raising CPP awareness and improving outcomes. Through an unbranded digital experience, the organization leveraged educational video content, in-office promotional materials, and Cookies for a Cause, an interactive philanthropic social campaign, to shine a light on CPP. The provider’s banner and hosted ads helped drive targeted traffic, and every user action on the campaign site contributed to a virtual cookie jar. When the jar was filled, the company donated to various pediatric health organizations.

The organization turned to Capgemini’s digital expertise for a more hands-on solution. The CPP Tracker is a personalized mobile application that provides patients, families, and caregivers with a host of useful information. From therapy plans and appointment reminders to roadmaps and content repositories, the Tracker brings CPP into the light and makes treatment an attainable goal for more patients than ever before.


These robust, multifaceted education and awareness initiatives blew expectations out of the water:

  • Cookies for a Cause reached 100% of its donation goal in just five months
  • Winner of multiple campaign and design awards
  • Key partnerships with leading advocacy groups.

Get in touch with Capgemini to learn more about this incredible story.

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