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AI for Health Digital Book

Capgemini Invent and Startup Inside have produced the first edition of the AI for Health Digital Book, highlighting how AI applied to healthcare value chains, is perceived and deployed today within organizations as well as in ecosystems, in a highly changing environment where the COVID crisis has brought an unprecedented disruption.

As with other sectors, Healthcare is definitively moving towards Artificial intelligence (AI), and it is moving fast!

Innovation in health is impacting us all. In that respect, Artificial intelligence (AI) is instrumental. It has become our collective duty to learn, connect and understand what the health of tomorrow will  l look like. And it starts today!

Based on the experience of Capgemini and Startup Inside, the first edition of this AI for Health Digital Book highlights how AI applied to healthcare value chains, is perceived and deployed today within organizations as well as in ecosystems, in a highly changing environment where the COVID crisis has brought an unprecedented disruption. In connection with the third edition of the ‘AI for Health global conference’, held on November 10th, 2020, this report is based on the answers from a survey of 54 respondents, among which 17 in depth interviews were performed.

Players from major companies (Pharma, MedTech), startups , insurance companies and hospital and research labs have contributed to sharing their views on how AI impacts health. This report fixes a first ‘ AI temperature check ’ that makes it possible for actors to decrypt and understand the main AI strategic stakes and the top areas of uses cases to go into, while giving insights to decision makers on maturity steps, how to overcome roadblocks and address emerging ethics considerations together with a support to navigate in their day to day operating model. Healthcare organizations are accelerating their conversion to AI after an ‘hype phase’. Data and AI now appear as a strong pillar to radically transform value chains for patients first and foremost but also for health practitioners, payers and society as a whole. We believe that you can ‘Get the future you want’ and for sure, a better healthcare system greatly contributes to that endeavor.