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The audience is changing. Are you listening?

Market disruptions driving even more focus on the customer experience

The competition for the consumer audience is growing exponentially. New entrants are disrupting traditional business models and consumers are being driven by experience. Multiple studies have shown customers will spend more money with a brand that delivers a great experience. Digital technologies such as artificial intelligence and machine learning hold the promise of transformation, but these efforts need to be combined with a user focus to be successful.

In the context of media, for example, seventy percent of U.S. households have at least one subscription to a streaming service and the average American subscriber watches three to four services. There will be an estimated 272.6 million smartphone users in the U.S. by the end of 2020.

People matter, so do not overlook the human element in any technology project. Customers want you to know them, and they want a personalized, memorable experience. So, it is time to activate your data to provide real business and consumer insights and turn customers into loyal brand advocates.

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