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Solving data management in aerospace

A major aerospace company is turning a hurdle into an asset

Enterprises in every industry sector can benefit from high-quality, trusted data – but in the aerospace industry, it’s critical. If airplanes fail, people may die, so failure is not an option.

Aircraft manufacturers keep excellent data on the components and processes used to build and test their products. They need to know which supplier made every part and component that goes into an aircraft’s construction.

They also need to closely test, monitor, and record the processes used to assemble these components into an aircraft, and that generates even more data.

Capgemini worked with a division within an aerospace company to fix its data problems with a solution that pays for itself. By creating and implementing an overall data-management framework, the company could identify a division’s common business problems and their impact on the bottom line.

Read Fixing data management in the data-intensive aerospace sector to learn how to turn data into a real asset and competitive advantage.

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