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More agility in transportation will better manage disruptions

Creating a connected, networked experience enables a smoother flow of goods

The global pandemic has caused major disruptions around the world. It also demonstrated the need for the transportation industry to be more diversified, with more nimble companies adapting to dispersing capacity differently. But disruptions can be the opportunity to build stronger organizations.

The ability to see these potential events before they happen, develop strategies to reduce risk, and provide the ability to flex up or down will be key to success in the market. Transportation companies need the insights and tools to respond to any disruption.

Technology laggards are having a tough time in the current conditions, but that pain should provide motivation to review technology solutions and embrace new tools. The goal is to have a single, clear view of the entire transportation network.

The industry has experienced disruptions before, but nothing on this scale.

Read Transportation industry needs to increase agility to manage disruptions to learn how to prepare for the future.

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