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Innovation in retail | IoT and data from devices as an integral part of your transformation strategy


The primary objective of Industrial IoT (IIoT) is the convergence of machines, the data generated by them, computing, analytics, and driving insightful actions to optimize operations at an industrial plant or similar ecosystem


The earth has evolved from a geosphere to a biosphere. Now, as everything gets connected, a new sphere arises – the technosphere. Thanks to the internet, 5G, LoRa, Li-Fi, etc. As sensors become smaller and smaller and cheaper and cheaper, everything gets equipped with sensors. And this brings us to the internet of things (IoT). The internet of things is expected to expand from an estimated 8.4 billion devices in 2017 to 20.4 billion in 2020.

Industrial IoT

Enterprises that focus on scaling will have to take a long hard look at their digital transformation programs to ensure that the IoT and data from devices constitute an integral part of their transformation strategy. The primary objective of Industrial IoT (IIoT) is the convergence of machines, the data generated by them, computing, analytics, and driving insightful actions to optimize operations at an industrial plant or similar ecosystem. IoT facilitates the dynamic decision (next-best-action) that a business application can take based on real-time data coming from the devices.

industrial IoT

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“30% of enterprises use IoT products today while 65% are expected to use it by 2020. 30% of the overall IoT market ($300B/year) will be IIoT ($85B/year).” —Soumen Saha, Capgemini Expert in Cloud Services, DevOps


A real-world example of how IoT can help assure absolute freshness is the smart packaging case for lobster. The goal of this smart packaging solution is to assure freshness, from the fisherman’s bait to the customer’s plate. In addition to blockchain, Microsoft Azure Cloud, and AI, a Raspberry Pi is also added. This IoT device monitors the health of the lobster, as well as the humidity, temperature, pH, etc., while it is in transit. Hence, it is key in providing the recipient of the lobster with all parameters when ordering or buying this lobster.

Feel free to reach out to us for more information or to arrange a business value workshop on IoT in relation to Industrial IoT or smart packaging solutions.

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This blog is part of the “Innovation in Retail” series.
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