根据凯捷研究院(CRI, Capgemini Research Institute)的报告“可持续IT:为什么企业IT进行绿色革命的时期已到来”显示,为加速可持续IT实施制定了全面路线图的企业已经实现了ESG (Environment, Social and Governance)分数的提高(61%),持续的IT实践直接提升客户满意度提高(56%)、降低税收(44%)。然而,企业仍然不知道如何实施可持续的IT实践,如何主动应对企业IT对环境的影响:只有6%企业的可持续IT成熟度处于高水平。
According to a new report from the Capgemini Research Institute, entitled “Sustainable IT: Why it’s time for a Green revolution for your organization’s IT”, the organizations which have built a comprehensive roadmap to accelerate sustainable IT[1] implementation have realized improved ESG scores (61%), seen improved customer satisfaction (56%) and witnessed tax savings (44%) as a direct result of sustainable IT practices. Yet, organizations are still largely unaware of how to implement sustainable IT practices and proactively address the environmental impact of enterprise-IT: only 6% of firms having achieved a high level of sustainable IT maturity.
While tech solutions can help solve environmental issues, IT as a whole has carbon footprint itself. The new report has identified the areas of enterprise IT emissions that are growing most rapidly and lays out a three-stage roadmap for organizations to build and implement their sustainable IT strategies.
However, organizations are not yet viewing sustainable IT as a priority or a tool in their wider sustainability agenda and journey to reduce their carbon footprint: according to the report, only 22% plan to reduce more than one-quarter of their carbon footprint through sustainable IT in the next three years.
Organizations are largely unaware of the environmental impact of IT
A clear awareness gap about the environmental impact of IT has emerged, with 57% of respondents unaware of their own organization’s IT carbon footprint. Those in banking and the consumer products sector show the highest levels of awareness (52% and 51% respectively), while the industrial manufacturing sector the lowest (28%). Only 34% know that the production of mobiles and laptops has a higher carbon footprint than the use of these devices over their lifetime.
This awareness gap is compounded by the fact that sustainable IT currently does not get the same attention and resource as other green initiatives. When it comes to strategy, half of firms have defined an enterprise-wide sustainability approach, yet less than one in five (18%) have a comprehensive sustainable IT strategy with well-defined goals and target timelines.
Most organizations do not have adequate tools or shared standards to measure the environmental impact of IT. Only 29% use carbon assessment tools and just 34% say that sustainable IT is part of their board-level agenda. The use of KPIs to track and measure progress for enterprise IT sustainability is also not widespread, with only 23% of organizations measuring greenhouse gas emissions. Overall, just 1% have achieved their targets. Setting a carbon cost against IT operations can help organizations across departments realize the impact of their IT footprint, but only 27% of organizations have standardized the practice.
High maturity organizations derive more benefits
The technology sector is well placed to play a role influencing and advocating for policy change. Technology firms are taking proactive steps in decarbonizing IT operations, services and products, and multiple players have announced targets to become carbon neutral. As a result, many organizations are looking to shift the onus onto the tech industry to help them establish sustainable IT practices. Some 52% of organizations told the Capgemini Research Institute that technology firms should incorporate a sustainable IT dimension into their products and services, 61% want tech firms to help them measure the environmental impact of their IT, and 45% are willing to pay a premium of up to 5% for sustainable IT products and services.
“可持续性必须是我们努力实现全球后疫情时代复苏的核心,不容忽视。企业需要认识到我们数字世界的碳成本,并采取行动,加快向由可持续IT能力支持的商业模式转变,”Capgemini Invent首席执行官,集团执行董事会成员,集团企业社会责任计划执行发起人Cyril Garcia说道,“企业必须具备诊断工具、战略和路线图,以加速其脱碳之旅。企业中所有利益相关者的认可对于成功且可持续软件架构及员工行为改变都是至关重要的。除了环境方面的必要性之外,商业利益在底线、社会地位和客户满意度方面都是引人注目的。”
“Sustainability must be at the core of our global effort for post-pandemic recovery, and IT cannot be neglected. Organizations need to recognize and act on the carbon cost of our digital world by accelerating the move to business models which are supported by sustainable IT capabilities,” says Cyril Garcia, CEO of Capgemini Invent and Group Executive Board Member, Executive sponsor of the Group CSR program.
“Organizations must have the diagnostic tools, strategies, and a roadmap in place to accelerate their journey towards decarbonization. Endorsement from all stakeholders in the organization will be critical for success along with sustainable software architecture and change in employee behavior. Beyond the environmental imperative, the business benefits are compelling in terms of bottom line, social status and customer satisfaction.”
- 为与企业可持续性战略相一致的可持续IT战略奠定基础
- 通过专门的可持续IT团队和领导层的支持创建治理流程
- 将可持续性作为软件体系架构的关键支柱,实施可持续性IT计划
The report concludes with a three-stage roadmap to accelerating sustainable IT, which includes:
- Setting the foundations with a sustainable IT strategy that aligns with the organizational sustainability strategy
- Creating a governance process with a dedicated sustainable IT team and support from leadership
- Operationalizing sustainable IT initiatives with sustainability a key pillar of software architecture
A copy of the report can be downloaded here.
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