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Enterprise sustainability proposition

Our commitment is to become a net zero business and be carbon neutral by 2025.This means accelerating our approach to carbon reduction across our key impact areas.

Companies now have a corporate responsibility and business imperative to get on the road to net-zero, yet we understand that achieving these goals is rarely straightforward.

Our commitment to sustainability is recognised – we were named on the CDP’s prestigious A list in recognition for our approach and impact, and for the second year in a row Capgemini has been awarded the Platinum rating by EcoVadis for its overall performance as a responsible and sustainable business. We leverage technology to help our clients drive down their carbon emissions and have a target to help them save 10 million carbon tonnes by 2030.

Combining the power of Capgemini and Salesforce, means we can help your business gain a 360-degree view of your environmental impact and achieve your sustainability goals.

Achieving Net Zero with Capgemini

We understand that you need a solution that allows you:

  • To accurately calculate your organisation’s carbon footprint, including scope one, two and three emissions
  • To interpret emissions data and make strategic decisions quickly
  • To produce auditable reports quickly, speeding up carbon accounting from months to weeks
  • The flexibility to accommodate changes to emission factors and regulation
  • To easily integrate carbon accounting solutions with your current landscape
  • To implement a scalable, robust, enterprise wide platform solution that calculates, presents and reports on emissions

Discover how Capgemini will help your business take advantage of what’s possible.

Our experts

Andrew R Smith

Expert in Digital Customer Experience, Global Digital Platform Strategy

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