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Data Engineer


Experienced professionals

Data and AI

Navigating through various career paths, Ella has found her niche in the blend of sustainability and technology at Capgemini. Motivated by a commitment to inclusivity and innovation, Ella has led initiatives to drive positive change. Hear Ella’s story of how she came to be a Data Engineer at Capgemini.

I have a Unalome tattooed on my finger to represent that a life path is not a straight journey, which was certainly the case for me.

I wanted to be an architect originally, designing houses with a conscious mind environmentally, but when you are the only girl in the engineering class, you end up being the target for the bully.
From working in Hospitality whilst obtaining a First-Class Honours degree, to becoming an educator to young adults between the ages of 16 to 25 who had additional educational needs, then changing careers again, to work in NHS research within Oncology.

I follow Stoic philosophy, which has always led me to improve myself and grasp every opportunity. I’ve always wanted to make the world a better place and felt I could only do this, by getting into the world of tech and consultancy.

I am beginning to focus my efforts towards learning the technical aspects associated with the DevOps mentality, because I believe many of the aspects go hand in hand with sustainability.
I would one day like to become an innovator and advocator for practices that will support an economically stable and environmentally sustainable society. Prime Minister even one day, maybe?

I started towards architecture from the passions of engineering and solving problems mathematically.

Science was covered in my Nursing with biology, so what was left to delve into other than technology?
I have always had barriers towards this industry. I have stayed away from it because of things like the materials in our smart phone screens, being made from earth’s materials that cannot be provided, endlessly.

My thoughts started to change as I began to create art digitally, alongside being accepted into the Code First Girls Degree and whilst doing my research about which company is the best suited for me, I was sure to find use cases, mission statements and awards for Capgemini.

I changed careers because there is a cloud architect in my life who continues to inspire me, but I have always had an interest in STEM especially because within the career paths there is so much variety.
My switch was also dependent on where I resided at the time geographically, because if I was still in Cornwall, I’d have not been able to embark on this journey.

I am still blown away that I am where I am today because of Instagram, algorithms, and cookies.  That because I was searching “how to learn to code for free”, up popped a post on Instagram about the CodeFirstGirls Degree and I am now working for the company of my dreams.

I think the fact that it was for women only had an impact massively, it is slowly changing, but tech is still a male dominated industry.

I basically wouldn’t be able to work for the company of my dreams and progress to where I want to be, if it was not for CodeFirstGirls and Capgemini sponsoring me, I think that speaks for itself, really. 

I chose to join Capgemini because I felt that I uphold all the company values within myself intrinsically, to me this is important when selecting an employer, you see. Capgemini’s ethos aligns with me personally because of my interests in sustainability. Type this topic into google and you will see the amount of Capgemini’s work and awards received.  It was also because of the visions of inclusion and diversity and how they are accepting of people like me who experience challenges due to neurodiversity.

 I have now witnessed first-hand Capgemini’s ethos towards diversity and experienced the inclusivity.  There are always opportunities to grow, and I have very supportive people manager, colleagues and I am part of many communities.
I’ve taught people to master GitHub through an educational initiative, expanded a Women & Sustainability stream, become the Sustainability Guild comms lead and a finalist for the woman for the future awards, all in the year of 2023.

I am here to stay, because I think Capgemini have the influential ability, to change many of the leading industries to adopt a focus on sustainability.
Through collaboration, innovation, and technology, I believe Capgemini could encourage or even implement those changes needed for all of society.

Career paths

Take the first steps in a bold new direction. A career at Capgemini offers you the opportunity to follow an existing passion or cultivate new ones. Develop your career in the direction you want to take it.

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