
Softwaregestuurde transformatie in auto-industrie

Het softwaregedefinieerde voertuig heeft het model van de auto-industrie volledig veranderd. Capgemini Engineering stelt u in staat om het softwareplatform van uw toekomstige voertuigen te ontwikkelen.

Een softwaregestuurde transformatie herdefinieert de wereldwijde auto-industrie. Voertuigen, organisatiestructuren, processen, methoden en hulpmiddelen worden gedefinieerd, ontworpen en bediend door software.

Capgemini Engineering werkt samen met u om het core-softwareplatform van toekomstige voertuigen te ontwikkelen. We combineren onze diepgaande expertise in de auto-industrie, toonaangevende vaardigheden op het gebied van embedded en digitale native ontwikkeling, engineeringtools, best practices en transformatieve bedrijfsmodellen om softwaregestuurde transformatie in de auto-industrie op te schalen.

Wat we doen

From System to Cloud, we accelerate your journey towards Intelligent Industry by developing the core software platform for your future vehicles.

Wij combineren diepgaande expertise in de auto-industrie, van systeem tot cloud, met toonaangevende vaardigheden op het gebied van embedded en digitale native ontwikkeling, engineeringtools, best practices en transformatieve bedrijfsmodellen om softwaregestuurde transformatie in de auto-industrie op te schalen.

TRANSFORMEREN: Ons Software Driven Transformation (SDT) framework is een reeks diensten die zijn ontworpen om onze klanten te helpen een snelle softwaretransformatie te bereiken, van de eerste visie tot grootschalige implementatie.

UITVOEREN: Onze Engineering-as-a-Service-aanpak maakt gebruik van het SDT-framework, de activa en de mogelijkheden van de auto-engineering om een software-engineeringfabriek voor onze klanten op te zetten en te exploiteren.


End-to-End Services

We bieden end-to-end diensten van elektriciteit en elektronica tot de cloud voor producten, technische processen en business-modellen.
Product: Technologie- & architectuurstrategie en -roadmap, en adviesdiensten
Engineeringproces: Software Factory Design-strategie & -roadmap, en adviesdiensten
Business-model: adviesdiensten voor business-modellen

Full vehicle to cloud development and integration

  • On Product side: SW centric System Architecture, SW Platform Development (Middleware + SDK), System and HW instantiation
  • On Engineering Process: Processes & Tool Automation, PMT Build & Integration, PMT Support services
  • On Business model side: Business model Implementation
Cross Platform Economics: intelligent reuse & efficient integration

  • On Product side: SW Platform, cross program integration & management and Extensive asset mgmt. & reuse
  • On Engineering Process: PMT at scale deployment services, Change Management services (incl. Mentoring, training …)
  • On Business model side: Efficiency/Capability, Transformation services, Core/Context advisory, Make-or-Buy Business Case, Outsourcing Strategy, Outsourcing Execution (BOT)

Maak kennis met onze experts

Franck Desaulty

Solution Director Capgemini Engineering
With over 20 years of experience in the automotive industry, and a passion for software, Franck enables clients to tackle the challenges of the Software Defined Vehicle by assisting them on their software transformation journey. He helps clients accelerate their software growth strategy for the vehicles of today and beyond.

Walter Paranque-Monnet

Global Head of Embedded Software
Walter is passionate about helping organizations build high-value products and services driven by creativity, innovation, and business results. He has helped teams create a culture driven by software and innovation. For more than 12 years, Walter has supported software organizations along their chip-to-cloud transformation journey and designed embedded software roadmaps for acceleration.

Pascal Feillard

Head of Business Transformation, Capgemini Engineering
Pascal draws on his many years of experience in the Automotive industry in his current position, where he is responsible for ensuring that Capgemini‘s partnerships facilitate software-driven transformation in order to give automotive clients the future that they and their customers want.
Alexandre Audoin, Global Head of Industries, Sales & Portfolio, Capgemini Engineering.

Alexandre Audoin

Executive Vice President, Global Head of Industries, Sales & Portfolio, Capgemini Engineering
Alexandre Audoin has led Capgemini and Capgemini Engineering global Automotive Industry for three years. Since July 2024, Alexandre is Capgemini Engineering Global Head of Industries, Sales & Portfolio with a special focus on the creation of Intelligent Industry, helping clients master the end-to-end software-driven transformation and do business in a new way through technologies like 5G, edge computing, artificial intelligence (AI), and the internet of things (IoT).