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Data and AI

Using blockchain in data tokeniSation

Unlock business intelligence and growth through data at the edge in financial services.

The financial services industry has always been a data-driven business, and the speed at which data is proliferating is accelerating by the second. Effective leverage of all available enterprise data is now more difficult than ever – and ever more critical to business success.

Until recently, it seemed that more big data was a sufficient answer to “what’s next?” However, given the constraints of size, bandwidth, and governance, centralisation appears to have run its course. The next generation of initiatives will focus on edge data, which suggests that ever larger amounts of data are more efficiently stored at its point of origin and processed with computing power close to the thing or the person generating it.

Read our latest point of view, developed in partnership with Inveniam, to learn about:

  • The increasing importance of data at the edge and the rationale for preserving and exploiting it close to where it is created and lives.
  • Methods by which financial services organisations can step up efforts to capitalise on edge data trends for efficient enterprise transformation and business growth.
  • Approaches and the potential benefits of various decentralisation and protection techniques, beyond more traditional validation and privacy methods.

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