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Agile and IT architecture part 3

Agile and IT architecture part 3

Practicing JIT-JEA

Agile architecture is the art of designing and delivering the “right” solution – meeting the requirements, expectations, and demands of the client – while being able to respond to a change in an uncertain environment, at an ever-increasing frequency.

In January 2022 we delivered the first Capgemini Point of View about Agile Architecture called “The JIT-JEA way of working” [JIT-JEA part 1], introducing the concept of JIT-JEA: Just In Time, Just Enough Architecture (the “what” ).

In the first Point of View, we defined the five pillars of Agile Architecture: Just Enough Architecture, Just Enough Governance, Just Enough Documentation, Just In Time, and In Iteration Size Chunk.

The second Capgemini Agile Architecture Point of View called “JIT-JEA in Action!” [JIT-JEA part 2] was delivered at the beginning of 2023 and is a collection of 10 different real-life examples covering the five JITJEA pillars and principles, coming from the field of our architecture delivery projects (the “how” ).

In this third Agile Architecture Point of View, we present 10 Agile Architecture Building Blocks in order to highlight when we should use them during a typical agile life cycle way of working (the “when” ) and for each of them Architecture (the “with what” ) we also make a cross-reference with the two important Agile Architecture references as Open Group Agile Architecture and SAFe Agile Architecture and other useful references.