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Capgemini at InsureTech Connect 2022

We can’t wait to connect with you and engage in a dialogue on key burning topics for Insurance industry.

Booth 3253| InsureTech Connect 2022| Sep 20-22 | Mandalay Bay, Las Vegas

Climate change is loading the dice for insurers with more to come. Connect with Capgemini to learn how you can accelerate your climate-action strategy the value chain. Talk to our experts and explore how you can adopt new risk prevention offerings, drive sustainable investment and underwriting strategies and create resilience ecosystems.

We are very much looking forward to hearing about your business, your challenges and how we might work together to help achieve your business goals.

Speaking sessions:

Product Track | September 22, 2022 | 2:00pm – 2:50pm PST

Bending the Curve: Behavior Change as the Next Evolution in Insurance

Insurance is a constantly evolving business but in its first epoch, the goal has still largely been one of increasing predictability: there is a theoretical curve of true underlying risk and with increasingly datasets and new statistical techniques, we all compete to predict that curve.  But prediction has diminishing marginal returns. 

The entire product organization of insurance is currently focused on customer acquisition and cross-sell, because that is the monetization that is currently setup.  Moving to a risk reducing model not only changes how we work but what we build; new products (with new monetization models) must arise in order to manage this shift.

In this talk, behavioral scientists from across the insurance industry talk about practical methods for the next evolution of insurance: changing behavior to bend the risk curve.


Jonathan Stahl, Analytic Solution Advisor, Nationwide Insurance
Matt Wallaert, Founder,
Teis Jorgensen, Senior, Behavioral Scientist, Design Researcher, Frog (Capgemini Invent)
Jeff Helzner, Decision Scientist, Joyn Insurance

Product Innovation in Action Track| Sep 22, 2022 | 2:55pm -3:30pm PST

Solving for the World’s #1 Climate Risk- Flood

Adam Rimmer, CEO & Co-Founder, Flood Flash
Christina Colby, Chief Customer Officer, Guidewire
Seth Rachlin, EVP, Global Insurance Leader, Capgemini
Sean Kevelighan, CEO, Insurance Information Institution

Meet our experts

Seth Rachlin

Executive Vice President, Financial Services; Global Insurance Industry Leader, Capgemini Financial Services
Samantha Chow

Samantha Chow

Global Life and Annuity Sector Leader
Samantha Chow is an expert in the global life, annuity, and benefits markets and has 25 years of experience. She has deep expertise in driving the growth of enterprise-wide capabilities that facilitate transformational and cultural change, focusing on customer experience, operational efficiency, legacy modernization, and innovation to support competitive advancement

Kiran Boosam

Vice President, Financial Services; Global Insurance Industry Strategy and Portfolio Leader, Capgemini Financial Services

Shivakumar Balasubramaniyan

Expert in Transformative Tech & Emerging Business Models

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