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Lauren Kimball

Lauren Kimball

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Well-Being Lead, Americas


Experienced professionals

Tell me about your career journey with Capgemini and how long you’ve been here.

I’ve been at Capgemini for over eight years now, and I’ve had a fantastic career. I feel lucky because I’ve had the opportunity to move throughout multiple roles during my time here.  I started at Capgemini on the delivery side. I was an organizational change-management consultant working with our clients all over the country. And when I was ready to make a change, I was able to transition to an internal role as part of our people supply-chain team. From there, I took advantage of a rotational program, so I was able to try out a role on the corporate social responsibility team, leading our digital inclusion programs. And then I loved it so much that I stayed on this corporate social responsibility team, and then was able to transition to the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion role.

And what does a Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Wellbeing Leader do?

The Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Wellbeing Leader at Capgemini is responsible for making sure that Capgemini has an inclusive culture where all our employees can bring their authentic selves to work and thrive. We know that diversity and inclusion are important because diversity drives innovation, and when we have diversity of thought, diversity of experience and diversity of backgrounds, we’re bringing the a  variety of creative perspectives to the solutions that we’re developing for our clients.

Tell me more about career mobility, how Capgemini supported you through your career journey.

Capgemini has always been supportive throughout my career journey. As you know, we are a huge company [and] we do so many different things all around the world. One of the benefits of being at a large organization is that there are so many opportunities to move around. You really can have different careers throughout your time at Capgemini without leaving the organization.

One of my favorite things about Capgemini is the people. Everyone says the reason they stay at Capgemini is for the people. I’m so lucky that I have had so many people support me throughout my career journey. And throughout different stages in life, we have different needs, desires and career aspirations. So, you might be wanting to work on a client project at a certain point in your life, and at another point, you might prefer trying something new or learning new skills.

Through my relationships at Capgemini, I’ve been able to express my desires and different things I wanted to try, and people have helped guide me to learn about the different opportunities and ways that I can change, develop my skills, and expand my career.

You started doing organizational change management and now are in a completely different kind of role. Tell me more about how you moved from there to here.

I started out working in organizational change management with our clients, and I absolutely loved it. There’s nothing more exciting than digging into the challenges and opportunities that our clients are facing and getting the chance to help them improve their business. Through that role, I gained skills in organizational change management, people operations and influencing. I also loved meeting people from all over the country because I have always been passionate about diversity and inclusion. When there was a diversity role opportunity that came up internally, I thought, “I don’t have a background necessarily in this exact role, but I do have the skills and the background to be successful in a role like this.” I was very lucky to have a fantastic mentor in Janet Pope who bet on me and gave me the opportunity to try it out. I loved working on the corporate social responsibility team and I’ve never looked back. From there I was able to upskill and take advantage of the internal and external training programs I needed to continue to move my career in a direction I was passionate about.

How has Capgemini helped you get the future you want?

Capgemini has helped me get the future I want by helping me have a fantastic career over the last eight years. I’ve been able to travel all over the world and to meet incredible colleagues from places I never would’ve imagined. I have transitioned my career to multiple different things, working with different teams and clients, while continuing to build my skills. It’s never been boring, and I’ve really loved every single minute of it.